Eye Color Genetics


Advocate of Shiloh
Premium Feather Member
6 Years
Nov 8, 2017
My Coop
My Coop
Eye color genetics is a less studied topic in genetics, but I would like to know the genes and things that go into them. Any genes, corrections, or new eye colors you want me add to this list information that I found reply with it here. Even if it sends me on a wild goose chase to prove or disprove a rumor.
Bk+-dominant sex linked
bk- recessive sex linked dark brown eyes
Pk+- dominant
pk- recessive pink eyes
Green eyes- recessive. But what gene?
Pearl eyes- recessive. What gene?
Are blue eyes recessive? (Not the mareks kind the actual blue eyes in chickens) What gene? Are they the same as green eyes?
***id+/id+ dermal melanin can darken they color of an eye****
Dermal melanin and eye color can cause more melanin in the facial skin, which makes sense. My Ameraucana Bk+/Bk+, id+/id+ over an Australorp bk/-, id/- hen made a hen with a gypsy face. But I thought the sex linkage had to go the other way around. Neither parent had a red face, but id+ can do that. What happened?
Sites I found already, don't quote them again...

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