Falling Down Heights, my daily life

Going back to freezing overnight. Bleh. So now I get to slip on frozen mud!

Critters have been enjoying the unseasonably warm weather of the past week. I'm pretty sure three of my six quackers are laying now. I get a day with one egg, then the next two, then one, etc.

Almost have a dozen chicken eggs gathered that I'm thinking of tossing into the new Maticoopx I got this week. To test it out, right?


She WAS a white duck...


Matcha causing mayhem in the little pool.
Back from the auction and.....


Okay, not exactly right, I bought a chicken for my eldest daughter, and a call duck for my youngest daughter.


My grandson won a pair of SHOW QUALITY AYLESBURY DUCKS!!!

My daughters are now also making plans to purchase Call eggs or ducklings and start breeding them, because all they saw when those went up for bid was the $$$ they could make! :lau

And here my oldest told me I couldn't get Calls. *sigh*

I was amazed at how much some of these went for. Adult pairs of Standard Cochin were selling for $150!!!

Youngest daughter named her Call Duck Norris. 🤦‍♂️


And here's my grandson, still totally stunned, with Moon and Star. Oh, his mother also has him wanting to breed them now and sell for lots of $$$. *sigh*


The man that had offered them for the kids' draw came over to talk to us afterwards. They are just over a year old. He also wanted to make sure they were going to a good home. He was very happy to hear they were!

Apart from that, I bid on some OEGB but they went for more than I was willing to pay, especially considering I have chicks coming in a month and a half.

I joined the Eastern Ontario Bird Breeders' Association (who were running the auction). There'll be another one in October so I'm going to make sure I have stuff to go into that one.

We all had a great time, and that's the most important thing!

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