Fatten up a dog

here are my dogs...not the greatist pics but i will get more...




sprocket the top dog aint thick..those are a few weeks old i could not find my camera today but ill take some pics tom now that ive found it...

but i dont want him thick he is mine and the black dog is my b/fs and he wants his thick...ill deff take some pics or a video or something tom of sprocket
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Saw a pitty the other day at the dog park that was too thick. He was so heavy that his feet and legs had turned outward in order to support the weight. He couldn't run with the other dogs because he was so big.

I admit it, my last dog was a chunk. She was 12 years old with bad knees from playing frisbee for 8 years and arthritis from the middle of her back down both rear legs. She picked up weight when she spent a year with me while I laid around during chemo. We were trying to take weight off her when she was diagnosed with Cushing Disease. She had actually lost about 6lbs in a little over a month when she was put on a grain free food.
neither of those dogs need any weight on them. The top dog looks quite healthy, well muscled, and toned. The black dog is actually not far from what I would call a FAT pit bull from the looks of it, and in a pittie is NOT good or healthy. Keeping the dog chunky like that can cause him back, hip, and knee problems and detract from his quality of life. Seeing as the black one isn't yours - not your issue to really be able to deal with, however your dog looks good - a good side shot would be GREAT though
Your dog doesn't need any weight on him either, at all - from what I can see that one looks pretty darn good.
yea lots of people i know have FAT FAT FAT pits i mean FATTER than mine.. really FAT lol... but there are also Bully Pitbulls..they are made to be short and stockey and kinda fat... but what can ya do ...lol..i wish i could have every single pitbull in the world!!
even a stocky framed dog shouldn't be fat. I have a Pit mix who is short of leg and has a barrel body - she never had a very deep chest and as she's gotten older she's evened out in the middle to a full barrel, however she's very toned and has good muscle mass, no actual flab on her - just solid all over. IN the case of a dog who is barrel shaped - if they are firm and muscled in the belly and sides then thats acceptable and the dog is healthy, however if the dog has any flabbiness or no muscle in the mid section then that constitutes fat. if the stomach is the size or larger than the chest when sitting or standing I think that constitutes too chunky as well. Maybe thats just me though? dunno
again gorgeous dogs
thanks they mean part of the world to me lol..my chickens mean the whole world to me... i will have to get some body shots of both of them and my lil rat terrior she feels left out i think lol..she just stands and looks at me ... so i will try and get some pics.. sprocket is so wired its hard to get him to be still..lol..hes still a "puppy" hes a year and 6 mths old so he still has alot of pup in him.. so he is lanky so he is a little smaller anyway... but t t is i would say around 7 or 8 and he needs to be bigger... but ill get pics and possibly some videos...if i can get my uploader to go faster!!
for my female lab when she became ill (from contaminated dog food) and lost all kinds of weight I quickly fattened her up by going all natural, boneless chicken (because she hates beef) or ground pork, brown rice, potatoes, 1 tomato, carrots and celery. I browned the meat and then I added everything into a pot added some water and made a thick stew, I sometimes would add 1/2 cup lentils , to avoid her only eating the meat I would break it down with a stick blender a little bit. I would make enough for a few days and once she was able to go back on dog food I kept on adding 1/2 cup to her dry food. the natural diet bounced her right back and within 2 weeks I had to take her off because she got too thick. I now only buy all natural dry dog food its expensive and its delivered from a mill in Toronto to the local feed store here in my town. she eventually lost the extra few pounds and she is in optimal health now. If I see one of my dogs is getting thin, usually happens in spring... I make the stew and add a bit to their dry food, works every time!!

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