Faverolles Thread

Thanks! Most of our birds have names and some of course have stories.....

Stinkyweed is one that we hatched in an ancient incubator borrowed from our 4H leader. We had to fill the water tray once a day and hand turn but we had 100% hatch rates so it was awesome. I can't remember why, but I think she hatched way later or maybe earlier than others so she was an only chick for several weeks. We brood them in the kitchen so watchful eyes can make sure food and water stay full, everyone is comfortable, etc.... Normal chicks may have a little odor after a week or so, but good gravy, this was the absolutely smelliest little chick I had ever met. One of our silkies ended up taking over her care and the silkie momma was named Tumbleweed (because of course she used to tumble around as a baby....) So that is why she ended up being Stinkyweed. The end.

Only one broody fav to go...hatching eggs naturally is a lot of work! This lil roo escaped from the nest at 3 days old and i found him stiff in the corner in the morning, thought he was dead, but on the way to the garbage he twitched in my hand that was in my pocket and praying he wasn't really dead. Still a ways to go, but glad for every day with the sweet lil fella :)
I am currently hatching some favs, but I am looking to grow most of these out for myself to check for type and size. I should have some for sale in a few months once I see how they are turning out, if you are interested in waiting a bit. I am located in Hanford, CA. You can check out my website. Pics of my Favs are under assorted poultry.

Great! I will keep you in mind! thank you!:)
I posted photos of these two SF about 2-3 week ago. I was not sure of the sex. Now, I guess there is no doubt that these two are roosters. Of course, I was looking for hens. Does anyone want LFSF roosters bred locally here in NH? This is my first experience with chickens, and I would just as soon stick with hens for now.

Let me know if you find any lunar bug... I have a white recessive hen and it seems like finding a mate for her here has been tricky.

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