Faverolles Thread

I don't know about quiet. Mine sure weren't. The one we kept the longest was loud and proud starting early in the day and then any time during the day when he thought someone/something should be notified that he was the man.
Out of 12 shipped SF eggs, I have 6 left that are moving and looking good in their shells. Tomorrow is day 18 and lockdown! Wish me luck! :)
I don't know about quiet. Mine sure weren't. The one we kept the longest was loud and proud starting early in the day and then any time during the day when he thought someone/something should be notified that he was the man.

LOL that is a great description!

My Faverolles was also the loudest and most often crower until he met his demise. He also couldn't hit all the syllables of how a crow 'should' sound, it was more like 2 really long and piercing syllables. My Wyandottes seem to get the crow mastered way quicker, and do it way less often.
LOL that is a great description! :gig

My Faverolles was also the loudest and most often crower until he met his demise. He also couldn't hit all the syllables of how a crow 'should' sound, it was more like 2 really long and piercing syllables. My Wyandottes seem to get the crow mastered way quicker, and do it way less often.

If these boys were under a year you probably were just seeing the typical "look what I can do" crowing all cockerels do before they mature and settle into a true crowing routine.
I think my chick is either plucking our her own feet feathers, or her little Brahma friend is picking them out for her. Is this a common problem?
Is it easier keeping multiple SF roos than it is with other breeds? I currently have 1 Lav Orp Roo with 23 hens plus my 13 young chicks. I would like to keep 1-2 SF cockerels from the chicks and wondering if this possible or a truly bad idea?
LOL that is a great description! :gig

My Faverolles was also the loudest and most often crower until he met his demise. He also couldn't hit all the syllables of how a crow 'should' sound, it was more like 2 really long and piercing syllables. My Wyandottes seem to get the crow mastered way quicker, and do it way less often.

My hubby said he sounded like the begining of the Air Force song.

 :fl good luck, I am rooting for you!


If these boys were under a year you probably were just seeing the typical "look what I can do" crowing all cockerels do before they mature and settle into a true crowing routine.

Nope. Our guy was past a year and our only boy. He hated my husband, but my son, daughter or myself could pick him up. He would see my hubby and start crowing.

Is it easier keeping multiple SF roos than it is with other breeds? I currently have 1 Lav Orp Roo with 23 hens plus my 13 young chicks. I would like to keep 1-2 SF cockerels from the chicks and wondering if this possible or a truly bad idea?

Personal opinion, it is partly breed dependant, but as much individual personality. Unfortunatly, you may just have to wait qnd see. I do love afav temporment.

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