feeding bones

Our Golden retriever pup loves them (he's 9 months old) Soon he MIGHT be big enough so our chickens quit chasing him....
I think you would really have to pressure cook them down so they would be able to eat them. Would be more trouble than it was worth for my part.
Randy is right.
Eating bones is not worth the effort.

But they will go nuts picking the meat off them.
My chicken go wild when I bring in a chicken carcass, lamb, pork or beef bones.
They are hard-core carnivores that eat pellets and veggies only because they have to when the meat supply is low (most days).
I posted a question about feeding my chickens a cooked chicken carcass (it was from a baked chicken we had for dinner). I was told it was okay - so I did - I found 3 bones left (2 at first and one later)- chickens were mighty happy! No problems with anything. I cooked the carcass, saved the broth for the dogs food and separated the carcass into a few large pieces, cooled it off, and put it outside with the chickens - an hour later - happy chickens and no more carcass!
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The chickens will spend hours picking the bones clean and will be very happy about it....I do it every chance I get.
I give my birds all animal bones. With beef/pork they'll peck it meatless than I trash them. But with chicken bones, I don't know what they do with it, but they disappear after a few days. Not sure if they break and eat it whole.
I feed my chickens bones. They eat all the bones when we have chicken for dinner and when we have beef or pork they clean the bones then the dogs get the leftovers when I move the tractor. Last week I made pulled pork in the crock pot and the bones were a bit soft, the chickens loved them. They picked almost all the marrow out and ate the edges at the softest spots.

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