Feeding Wild Birds

We definitely get the woodpeckers. They're here during the summer perforating my Austrian pines :rolleyes: Also, one has taken to pecking on the cattle crossing sign. Has anyone seen that before? Or, more likely, heard it? It's pretty funny, but I don't know why they do it.
Any cracks to stuff seeds into? I couldn't figure out why they were tapping on my shingles until I noticed sunflower seeds being stuffed under them.
Any cracks to stuff seeds into? I couldn't figure out why they were tapping on my shingles until I noticed sunflower seeds being stuffed under them.
Well, I guess I haven't seen any! Maybe I should take a closer look. I'll try to remember to get a picture because all I saw was holes around the trunk :(
I have stopped feeding birds because they were dropping so much seed out of the holders it was attracting things I did not want like rodents. Plus sparrows took over my roof and carped up the gutters with their debris and nests and whatever. Their fault not mine. Really need gutter covers but can't afford them.

Even without feeding I see Cardinals, Goldfinches, two kinds of woodpeckers(trying to ruin the telephone phone pole )Blue jays, and what I think are Chickadees.

In summer have loads of Hummingbirds, and Hummer Moths due to several Rose of Sharon bushes- that are highly invasive here.(the bushes not the hummers) Everyone is stuck with them. :confused:

PS The darling sparrows even sit on my kitchen window sill and look inside. Trying to get me to throw something out for them. Have mobs and mobs and mobs of them. :idunno
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As a rule I don't feed wild birds on our property but I take note of who's singing and who's around. Here in SW Ohio there' been a noticeable decline in butterfly activity, along with hummingbirds and other pollinators. I've been planting in order to help them out and we reseeded the back field with clover instead of grass.

For the birds though, I still see the same amount for the Blue Jays, Blue Birds, Tit Mouse, Cardinal, chickadee... the regulars. Wood peckers abound, and I wonder about the influx of tree born problem bugs and the abundance of wood pecker varieties. An up tick in people at my job too, with complaints of wood peckers coming at their house. Can the Arborists keep up with the tree problems? Not sure, but my brother fell into the tree industry and he's usually swinging from a crane chopping up dead stuff that he can't climb. Ash, Maples, Oak... lot's of dead trees or trees just not doing that well.

We had the usual fall hawk migration. At least 3 different owl calls heard but not the Barn Owl that a local group was wanting to hear about for nesting opportunities.

On the way to work the other day I saw a Bald Eagle cruising up a river from the vantage point of the highway overpass. That was a first in that part of town. I only knew them to be on the West side and this was East side.

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