Feeding Wild Birds

Being in South Texas we have both Cardinals and Pyrrhuloxias. The Pyrrhuloxias have been on the decline around here for several years now. I see more Cardinals now than Pyrrhuloxias I don't feed them per se, they forage under my elevated pens.

Chickadees and Juncos have also been on the decline here but they are more migratory and our winters have been very mild, so that is probably the reason for the decline...they come this far South when the weather up North is really harsh and the past 4 or 5 years have been very mild winters.

I have notice an increase in Downy woodpeckers and Red headed woodpeckers. This may be due to the "oak wilt" that is spreading at a rampant pace, lots of dead live oaks throughout this region in the last 10 years.
This poor girl hit our patio door and broke her neck recently.
I picked her up off the deck so the dogs wouldn't get her. We live in the the woods near a river, so we have lots of woodpeckers. As well as owls, bald eagles, hawks , cardinals, hummingbirds and many others. I love it. Not much feeder activity lately but they are still eating suet.
Aw no poor bird!. In summer - get hummingbirds that for some reason, love to ram into the living room window - even when I have the shades pulled down.

One was laying on the window sill with a bloody beak. I went out thinking I could do something for it but, it flew away.. Hope it didn't fly off to die somewhere.

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