Female duck has a bald spot behind her neck because of overmating? options?

I heard some ppl rehome their female and get another drake so they don't have the problem anymore. I might do that too, I don't want Juliet to keep being abused like this -.-
I have 3 boys, never had a female and 2 of them have bald spots on their necks. I feel so bad for them. They try to mate with each other.
Since he is a pekin he is a lot bigger than a mallard and he could injure her. Why can't you get more females ducks his size? Also mallards fly so you will have to clip wings.

I have a Mallard drake, which we’ve had since he was 2 days old and while he can fly, it’s low and only in our yard. He has accidentally flown when it was very windy and ended up at the end of our neighbor’s property but he heard us calling his name and the other 3 ducks squawking, next thing I knew I looked and he was waddling down the neighbor’s yard lol.
I am having a similar problem with a flock of khaki campbels, 4 hens and 2 drakes. For some reason the blonde gets a lot of extra attention and has a large bald spot that is getting really abraded. I'm so mad we didn't catch this sooner. Shes going to have to go through winter like that now. I'm thinking we may have to put one of the drakes in the freezer. Which is sad because both drakes are big beauties. It's never easy, but at least ducks are delicious.
I am having a similar problem with a flock of khaki campbels, 4 hens and 2 drakes. For some reason the blonde gets a lot of extra attention and has a large bald spot that is getting really abraded. I'm so mad we didn't catch this sooner. Shes going to have to go through winter like that now. I'm thinking we may have to put one of the drakes in the freezer. Which is sad because both drakes are big beauties. It's never easy, but at least ducks are delicious.
is getting a couple more hens an option? You can never have too many ducks! At the moment you're out of ratio slightly, so this may help.
You could always separate the drakes from the hens for a while. Hormones may die down soon since its winter. Or rehoming is a possibility
I AM out of ratio! Unfortunately, between the geese and the ducks we already have our pasture is getting a little tired and we are not even into winter yet. So no more ducks until next spring. We thought to have a backup male for the duck flock and hoped that our hens could handle the extra fella but it looks like they cannot.
I am having a similar problem with a flock of khaki campbells, 4 hens and 2 drakes. For some reason the blonde gets a lot of extra attention and has a large bald spot that is getting really abraded. I'm so mad we didn't catch this sooner. Shes going to have to go through winter like that now. I'm thinking we may have to put one of the drakes in the freezer. Which is sad because both drakes are big beauties. It's never easy, but at least ducks are delicious.
I thought I would reply to my own statement. I'm a new duck owner and didn't know that they would grow back feathers in areas that become damaged. The blonde girl grew back just enough coverage to get her through the winter, though it was not as nice as her original layer.
My female pekin duck has a bald spot behind her neck due to over mating by my one male pekin. They are free ranged ducks so seperating her and the male duck will be difficult. My male duck tries to mate with the wild mallards but he is too slow to catch them (its a bit funny) so juliet is his only option. is there a way i could cover neck to prevent the feathers from falling? Getting another female duck is not option...too many musvovy ducks in our pond :/ options please....
I have this issue as well except I have 3 female pekin to one Khaki Campbell. He and his Pekin friend are new additions to our flock (as ducklings) and he only recently figured out what he can do (hee hee). I figured he could have his own mate since our other 2 pekin females are elders now (11 yrs) but apparently he likes older woman. His intended will have nothing to do with him so I guess hes stuck in the friend zone. He has a favorite and wont romance the other. Anyway, I do use the Bantixx (spelling?) spray on her spot just fine but I was wondering if maybe I could use bitter yuck or similar spray on her neck in hopes to deter his romancing for a while. sigh.
What are the ingredients since he’s going to get some in his mouth? What you said about him liking older women was funny I have a 7 yr old Runner drake who loves chasing down my 12 yr old Muscovy girls. 🤦🏼‍♀️

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