Fencing concerns


9 Years
Jul 23, 2014
Quincy, IL
Hello everyone-

I have been reading about different ideas on securing my ladies when they move outside to the coop but I am so worried that I want to just keep them inside forever. The coop is a metal frame with tons of hardware cloth on all vents and predator proof locks. It's my run I worry about the most.

It's a large run, about 600 square feet, that was a dog pen years ago. The fencing right now is just plain wire fencing used in dog pens. the area was a greenhouse at one time and the concrete foundation walls are in place still under the ground. The current wire fencing is attached to the concrete walls where the stick out of the ground. There is a garage next to the coop- within jumping distance to the coop roof.

Our german shepherd has killed raccoons, possums etc in the yard but sleeps inside at night. I know we also have an owl that lives in a nearby tree. We priced hardware mesh to go over the coop and run and the price was over $400. Very pricey on a small budget. We are planning to add the hardware mesh to the bottom three feet of the existing 6 foot fence. Would an electric fence work? And if so how could we use it to keep critters from jumping off the garage? We have discussed bird netting for the owl, but I am more worried about the coons and possums.

Seriously may change my basement into a chicken coop..... Sigh......
I used 2" chicken wire to cover my run, and I think you can find bird netting or something in very large sizes. It will keep hawks out during the day, very important. My run is semi-safe, not foolproof, so the birds are locked in their coop every night, and let out in the morning. They free range on my farm, unless we've had a daytime attack by something (usually a hawk); then they stay in the coop and run. Electric poultry fencing is great for ground predators. Mary
Electris fencing, electric poultry netting best, a very good idea. Also consider intalling a dog door for the German Shepherd to use at night when chickens riled. Dog will likely be able to hear what goes on outside even when you cannot. Make so when dog wants out in a hurry it can get out. The first few times get all excited yourself and go with carrying a flashlight and possible a rifle. Dog then may put a lot of effort in being your sentry waking you if something goes wrong.
We use 2in chicken wire over the coops. Its pretty cheap 330ft x 6ft roll is only around $100 and works great for over the top.

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