First Home Eggs Adopt-an-Egg Hatch a Long!

I am up to FOURTEEN babies! 😍
In addition to the ones posted above, from barn 1
4 @Calichicks23 (darker brown with a super dark stripe)
6 @MysteryChicken (this one is red)
12 @NagemTX
14 @farmgirl12834 (this one is dark black with a black beak!)

From barn 2
3 @Isadora
4 @ShaunJ421

The rest of the chicks are shades of gold.

Pips still waiting on: 2, 3, 5 (pipped at wrong end but beak is poked through…fingers crossed!), 16, 18, and egg 2 from barn 2 along with extra egg 2.

I think it will be a little bit until the next as no one is zipping, so I’ll take the rest of this crew out at the next zip!

Have pictures of my peep?
I’ll have to post some updates in a bit, had a bunch of things to do at home between all the hatches!

Total hatched right now is 20! Four of the remaining eggs are pipped and 3 have nothing yet. Any advice on timelines for when to check them and intervene? The start of day 21 is in an hour, so no one is super behind, but lots were early!

The chick that pipped on the wrong end has made a little progress. The hole is a little bigger, and it seems it is working and resting. I’m afraid if I try to help I’ll actually hurt it, so I’ll let that one go a little longer…
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I’ll have to post some updates in a bit, had a bunch of things to do at home between all the hatches!

Total hatched right now is 20! Four of the remaining eggs are popped and 3 have nothing yet. Any advice on timelines for when to check them and intervene? The start of day 21 is in an hour, so no one is super behind, but lots were early!

The chick that pipped on the wrong end has made a little progress. The hole is a little bigger, and it seems it is working and resting. I’m afraid if I try to help I’ll actually hurt it, so I’ll let that one go a little longer…
20, isn't a bad number.

I've got eggs due to hatch on April Fools Day.
I’ll have to post some updates in a bit, had a bunch of things to do at home between all the hatches!

Total hatched right now is 20! Four of the remaining eggs are pipped and 3 have nothing yet. Any advice on timelines for when to check them and intervene? The start of day 21 is in an hour, so no one is super behind, but lots were early!

The chick that pipped on the wrong end has made a little progress. The hole is a little bigger, and it seems it is working and resting. I’m afraid if I try to help I’ll actually hurt it, so I’ll let that one go a little longer…
The pip on the wrong end could take 48 hrs to hatch since it is an internal and external pip combined.

Where you haven't even hit day 21 I would give them time. If once the pipped ones hatch you want to candle you can do that. Or if u get too nervous sneak one out quick and candle it.
The pip on the wrong end could take 48 hrs to hatch since it is an internal and external pip combined.

Where you haven't even hit day 21 I would give them time. If once the pipped ones hatch you want to candle you can do that. Or if u get too nervous sneak one out quick and candle it.
Thanks! That’s good info about the backwards pip. Would also explain why I saw a tiny bit of blood where the opening is…no aircell there.

Another little one is zipping now! And both extra eggs have nice pips, but their day 21 doesn’t start til tomorrow afternoon (there about 15 hours behind.)
Thanks! That’s good info about the backwards pip. Would also explain why I saw a tiny bit of blood where the opening is…no aircell there.

Another little one is zipping now! And both extra eggs have nice pips, but their day 21 doesn’t start til tomorrow afternoon (there about 15 hours behind.)
Nice!!!!! Most of my wrong end pips don't take the 48 hrs but they can. The wait is so hard!!!
Thanks! That’s good info about the backwards pip. Would also explain why I saw a tiny bit of blood where the opening is…no aircell there.

Another little one is zipping now! And both extra eggs have nice pips, but their day 21 doesn’t start til tomorrow afternoon (there about 15 hours behind.)
Sometimes they nick a vein, so it causes alittle blood.

My backwards pipped chicks usually take the same amount of time to hatch as a regular pipped chick.

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