Thanks for the condolences. We have been giving watermelon. Honey dew. Cantaloupe.They go bananas over fresh corn. Just started introducing the jello. It's so funny watching them figure things out
Give them dunks in a kiddie pool. Wet the ground under trees or something. they DO figure things out...like where it's cooler during the heat of the day and standing in water cools their feet. Jeanie LOVES standing in water, or mud. She looks unloved with her filthy feet but hey, shes cool
Sorry you lost one. I hate loosing pets...
We have a small 20 gallon basin that I fill daily fir them. In the heat of the day I round up the herd. Errr I mean flock lol. For their bathtime as we call it. They keep my flower beds around the well manicured under the bushes. As the sun moves across the yard they migrate to shady side.
We have a small 20 gallon basin that I fill daily fir them. In the heat of the day I round up the herd. Errr I mean flock lol. For their bathtime as we call it. They keep my flower beds around the well manicured under the bushes. As the sun moves across the yard they migrate to shady side.
Fun giving them bathes, ain't it? alma get my wife to take a picture when she gets home, much as I enjoy it I don't got a picture to show people...I think it's cute.They keep your flower beds neat, huh? Mind telling me how you teach them to not eat everything down to naked stems? Everything we had planted around the outside of their fence is gone, gone,done and gone. They even hopped on up into my wife's wine barrel I got her and ate up all her posies. The barrel's moved to the drive now.
@chickrunfun lol its hilarious giving them a bath! The flower beds were already established with hibiscus bushes. They scratch through the mulch to find some munchies which intern keeps the weeds down. They also dig deep in the mulch for dust baths lol. They keep the grass under the boat nice and trimmed lol also with holes dug everywhere there also
Pick him up and if he pecks at you take his comb and bend his head down to his chest. If he resists hold it until he stops. This is showing him you are the alpha. If he continues to peck at you then pick him up and hold his head to his chest until he stops resisting.
Cena is slowly pecking in his confirmation. Every time he acts up, he is put into the position until he relaxes. He will run away after, but 2 days later, he needs a reminder.
I have sprinklers in the pens and turn them on for awhile and it cools the ground. All the pens have shade trees so the birds like to lay in the damp cool sand under the trees. Years ago I put pans with cool water and they liked to stand in them.
Ya know, c'mon, since we put that kiddie pool in for them the water bowls are so much cleaner now that Jeanie has a better place to wade! It was grossing me out seeing her stand in them with her pooppy muddy filthy feet!

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