yes some of my chickens actually have a few more feathers, and they do cluckdifferent since they have English blood.

but I don't have English Buffs Yet!!!
Those are some georigious birds!! I was messin' around, I had no idea that they clucked with an accent! Or are you messin' wit me???
Hey Plantcity!

Can you tell me a little about chicken showing? What makes a SQ Buff Orpington? I have attached pix of my 3 (they are about 6-7mos old) again, not from show lines, etc... I really don't plan on showing but I am curious how mine stack up to the standard. I know my cockerel doesn't have much of a tail yet and he & one of the pullets have a little darker feathers on their tails....not sure if that is "legal" or not.

I just hatched my Ameraucanas this weekend and one has feathers on her legs! I guess that would make her a cross with something else & ineligible to show, right?

Be honest with your critique...I won't be offended :) These birds are for eggs & entertainment only.

Cindy there is a Buff Orpington thread:
And an Orpington thread:
You may want to check them out. They will give you great feedback. I don't show my birds yet, but after looking at others, I knew mine (hatchery birds) needed work.

Orpingtons are really slow to mature, so it will be a while before you know what they will look like. Here is the APA standard:
Check out the photos at the same site.

There is a big difference in the English and American Orpington, but both are beautiful to me. Your look American, so compare to that standard.

Hope this helps.

Another Cindy
The roo needs to fill out a bit. As far as the color goes they change a lot when they go through their first year molt. Here is a pic of my head roo. I would show you pics of my hens but a unexpected trait showed up after the pullets were over a year old. They developed white on the ear lobes. A no no. I have since figured out where it came from so I need to replace all my BO hens.
The roo came from a different breeder, thank God.

When I get a pic with my new camera, I'll post it.
Wow, That is a very nice looking roo you have there.But I'm looking for BR fertile eggs if anyone has any for sale & willing to ship & has a paypal account to accept payment through paypal.
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yes some of my chickens actually have a few more feathers, and they do cluckdifferent since they have English blood.

but I don't have English Buffs Yet!!!

I am so impressed with the size of this bird! Why, it's taller than that horse and nearly reaches the tree top!
Hi Fla. Horse Peeps,

Anybody going to see APASSIONATA when it makes a stop in Tampa?? I am so going. Am already on the list for tickets when they go on sale. This is the first time on tour in America. I am posting a link so you can see what I am so excited about.


Wish it was fall allready,


Hi Fla. Horse Peeps,
Anybody going to see APASSIONATA when it makes a stop in Tampa?? I am so going. Am already on the list for tickets when they go on sale. This is the first time on tour in America. I am posting a link so you can see what I am so excited about.
Wish it was fall allready,
I will go! and I have already told 2 of my horse friends, we can all go together!

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