About twice a week I have been giving the chicks little tastes of something new. Scrambled eggs, oatmeal, crushed crackers. Well tonight we had leftover lasagna so I cut it up into small pieces and gave em a little. They loved it of course but what I noticed was Pecan (baby roo) was tid bitting the girls! He would take a piece lay it down in from for the girls and use his beak to push it towards them and peck at it but not eat it. I didn’t expect to see this behavior so young. Had to share as I found it adorable. :love
That is one GREAT Roo in the making ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ Good boy!!!
About twice a week I have been giving the chicks little tastes of something new. Scrambled eggs, oatmeal, crushed crackers. Well tonight we had leftover lasagna so I cut it up into small pieces and gave em a little. They loved it of course but what I noticed was Pecan (baby roo) was tid bitting the girls! He would take a piece lay it down in from for the girls and use his beak to push it towards them and peck at it but not eat it. I didn’t expect to see this behavior so young. Had to share as I found it adorable. :love
I do the same thing Its amazing how these roos are so young and start acting liking a rooster right out of the shell. Mine keeps the hens in line and yells when they are too far away and tests the food for them lol.
I do the same thing Its amazing how these roos are so young and start acting liking a rooster right out of the shell. Mine keeps the hens in line and yells when they are too far away and tests the food for them lol.
Can your rooster drive a car? Jaffar almost did today. But he’s a very good rooster 🐓
I thought that, but then decided I was wrong, 'cause Twiggy couldn't be that big yet!:eek:
Yup Twiggy is that big now, it is hard to believe. He is as big as his daddy now. I do not think he will get as big as his momma though. I still miss Ezzie and tears can come freely when I let myself think about him. The dog is still down the road, constantly tied up and in a new fenced area when she is let off leash.
I headed out to my car, and once again, Jaffar ran across the yard “daddy, where is we going?” Sadly, I wasn’t going anywhere. But I brought him inside for some special treats. (I’m sure that all the ladies are hanging out on the porch waiting for him)
It’s a madhouse around here, and I can’t take it anymore.” Calgon take me away “ “wanna get away? United Airlines “—- “go for it!” NIKE. “We can take you there!” Quantas Airlines. AND….. “this cruise liner is unsinkable, and the fastest ship on the seas!” White Star Lines (Titanic) and even Disney “Dare to dream!” No wonder I raise chickens!
No. Don’t do that to Pompei. It’s so humiliating.
That was a Pat Benatar look, picture Pompei more like this with it

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