As Bob would say “ glad I didn’t disappoint!”
Not to worry - they will play a new song to replace that one hahaha!

Sing-a-long Tax
Misty is actually dancing - she is not scratching her nose
That boy is handsome and I love him. If you think he is pretty now, you just wait another year. He is going to get broader and more copper down his back. At around 18 months after he has completed his first adult molt he is going to wow you. I think he is going to look similar to my Bubba with the darker copper coloring. Bubba is roughly a year older then Oreo. A silkie may be my current personal favorite rooster, but my heart still stops and skips a beat when I look at Bubba. A nice Marans boy is hard to beat in the looks department in my opinion.
View attachment 3381893
Now that boy is handsome!

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