Ask Aurora
View attachment 3458570

Dearest Your Majesty, oh Queen that is high and mighty;

When I asked my question about Ask Aurora, I was asked by a very pretty hen to transcribe a message, and this is what I was asked to write:

Word has spread in the Chickan world about a Queen so wise and so entrenched in The Way of the Chickan, that I too, had to write to you, Queen Aurora.

I am a wise and enlightened old hen, I have no illusions of grandeur nor do I seek a lofty perch, other than that for sleeping upon. Though, I have found joy in sleeping in a cozy nest-box much to the bemusement of my Hooman; in this cozy box one can sleep contentedly and dream about all sorts of dining treats and wonderlands with wonderful, silly creatures: one day, one of my sisters was engaging in a 'conversation' of the silliest sort - she argued and chased a rabbit into the brush pile. How dare that rabbit trespass on OUR space! That said, we have a benevolent giant kitty-kat that our hoomanz got to protect us. She can stay, because she knows the way of the chickan, and defers to us!

My Hooman is the dearest of Hoomanz, truly as close to One With The Chickanz as any Hooman can be.

Our Hooman knows of our love of meal worms, blueberries, pasta with sauce matching my comb and other treats; our Hooman has also been found many times talking such silliness with the rabbit, and cats, and Chickanz alike!

What I would like to know, is this: how can our coop sisters and I show our hooman how much we truly cherish them? I know that our Hooman stresses about us, worries that we are not roosting properly, our Hooman has experienced loss of others of our chickan family and shared in all our sorrows. I want to show our Hooman that we all appreciate them and look forward to the time spent with us and all the treats our Hooman has on hand, especially the exotic treats like sushi and Pad Thai - we all absolutely love those treats! It is at these times that our Hooman knows it is every Chickan for themselves, it is the way of the Chickan to steal!

“The Hooman keeper of Chickanz, was giver rare treats,
All on a summer day:
The knave of the tribe, then stole those treats,
And ate them right away!”

The Hooman has knowledge and knows of the rules, that is The Way of the Chickan and knows that this is ok.

Oh wise Aurora, if you would be so kind as to let me know how we can show our appreciation to our Hooman I would greatly appreciate this.

Your lady in waiting,

Ms Bee in her Bonnet

View attachment 3458571
Is it possible to get a picture of miss bee?

Sophia laid a lovely egg, only problem was a chunk of calcium which I picked off. The whole shell came away leaving the membrane.

Well omelet for lunch Sunday...


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