Pinnon Hatch Farms makes very good aviary netting and the 2” knotted netting will withstand ice and snow and doesn’t hold it (the 2”, not the 1”). I read from reviews that people who keep it up all winter find it is easy to shake the ice and snow off of all season. I keep it up a long time but not all winter and can testify to some ice and snow; I haven’t wanted to slog through deep snow to get at it but I may keep a section up for this winter that’s right next to the run, since I’ll be clearing snow around back there anyway. I don’t have a permanent fence though for ground predators…but maybe if there’s a warm spell I’ll set a small stretch of poultry netting up in blocks.

I’ve mentioned this before probably - we had a neighbor’s two hunting beagles come down the snowblown driveway in the middle of winter and go after our cat. I first saw him coming toward the house with the dogs in pursuit. He narrowly escaped by first running around toward the back door, which I couldn’t get to and open in time due to a sprained knee, I saw him actually run up the door and push off it, leaping backwards over the dogs who were right there (seen through the large back door window) and running back down the driveway, the dogs soooo close, leaping up on to the soft snowbank, the snow up to his haunches, the dogs almost got him there - they were one leap behind him, and launching onto a tree. He climbed 50 feet up that tree to the farthest tiny branch he could get on. He stayed there for hours. We have a permanent cat ladder on to the roof in the back just for this.

DH has been charged and bitten by a large boxer while on a walk, and I got bitten by a small dog while bike riding. Dogs are top predators. They are not really harmless companion animals great to just “have around.” I have very ill feelings toward people that let their dogs loose.
Those dogs would silently disappear one evening. I hope you had words with your neighbour about that situation? I would have also contacted to animal control, imagine what they might do to a child 😳😳😳

Farmers around here have 0 dog tolerance, strays are shot, most have cattle dogs or dogs that they keep for security. And those dog do not roam and are very well behaved.

My Friends Pit cross bit me twice, my neighbours dog attacked my mare when I was out riding one day, it cost them $700 in vet bills - a hefty bill 30 years ago. I have had neighbours tell me my horse enticed their dog to attack me - I was calmly riding at a walk down the road. Oh it goes on and on.

I have a love hate relationship with dogs. And I expect dog owners to make sure their dogs behave 100% - visitors are welcome to bring their dogs here, but if they do one thing out of line they are asked to never bring the dog back here again. My mum gets mad at me but hey my horses cost me a lot of money and vet bills even more so.

Now that I have my chickens I am extra paranoid about dogs - no dogs are allowed near the barn at all. Nope zero permitted.
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Princess has gone
Wth?! What do you mean gone?? Ok o need to read ahead.

She came home she must have followed me home
ok I am confused, so she wandered off then came back? Oh ya that’s a chicken for you…. Tippy was in the neighbours backyard a couple days ago - I had to sneak over and chase her skinny butt home!

Thank goodness she is back - she was just scenic-ing 😊💕
Wth?! What do you mean gone?? Ok o need to read ahead.

ok I am confused, so she wandered off then came back? Oh ya that’s a chicken for you…. Tippy was in the neighbours backyard a couple days ago - I had to sneak over and chase her skinny butt home!

Thank goodness she is back - she was just scenic-ing 😊💕
Maybe Princess was just looking for her mate Tina. :(:hit

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