Those dogs would silently disappear one evening. I hope you had words with your neighbour about that situation? I would have also contacted to animal control, imagine what they might do to a child šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³

Farmers around here have 0 dog tolerance, strays are shot, most have cattle dogs or dogs that they keep for security. And those dog do not roam and are very well behaved.

My Friends Pit cross bit me twice, my neighbours dog attacked my mare when I was out riding one day, it cost them $700 in vet bills - a hefty bill 30 years ago. I have had neighbours tell me my horse enticed their dog to attack me - I was calmly riding at a walk down the road. Oh it goes on and on.

I have a love hate relationship with dogs. And I expect dog owners to make sure their dogs behave 100% - visitors are welcome to bring their dogs here, but if they do one thing out of line they are asked to never bring the dog back here again. My mum gets mad at me but hey my horses cost me a lot of money and vet bills even more so.

Now that I have my chickens I am extra paranoid about dogs - no dogs are allowed near the barn at all. Nope zero permitted.
I like your attitude!
One day at my doctors office I was told that she wanted my urinalysis. I told her that ā€œshe could take it right now and Iā€™m ready. Iā€™m pleased that my opinion means something to you!ā€ Big mistake on my part. I thought she wanted my analysis or opinion on something. ( I was wrong ) :oops: I was so embarrassed šŸ™ˆ
One day at my doctors office I was told that she wanted my urinalysis. I told her that ā€œshe could take it right now and Iā€™m ready. Iā€™m pleased that my opinion means something to you!ā€ Big mistake on my part. I thought she wanted my analysis or opinion on something. ( I was wrong ) :oops: I was so embarrassed šŸ™ˆ
Big mistake tax: IMG_3691.jpeg IMG_3693.jpeg
Problem is something that won't exit the other side and keep going. Even a 22 can do that if hit just right. The BB gun won't make a lot of noise and WILL at least hurt....and maybe need digging out so owner has to see the vet....
Yup - if the owner even takes the fur-ball in, many owners are so oblivious about their pets.

I like your attitude!
I have sent many a dog to the animal control here, and I do not tell owners - so sad too bad for them. If they cannot be responsible for their animals they shouldn't have them. I spend heaps of money to ensure my horses are contained and safe for everyone - dog owners should do the same, many accidents have been caused by vehicles swerving to miss dogs on the road.

One neighbour up the road from me, had their dog always in my paddocks, I could never catch the suck, but I did warn the owners on multiple times to keep the dog contained. One winter morning I was coming home with a load of hay and there was the dog, dead in the ditch. So I went up to their door, and when she came out I told her, and her kids with her that 'your dog is dead in the ditch, looks like he has been there all night'.

'Oh, no' she whined 'my husband let him out to do his business and he didn't come back in, he never runs off'

Astonished I looked at her and in front of her kids said 'WTH do you mean he never runs free? I have been here no less than 4 times warning you about him running and chasing my horses. AND did you and your husband not even think to check the ditch in case he was injured and in the ditch? Well? No I guess not and I bet your dog died a horrible slow death freezing to death in that ditch last night. I am glad you dog is dead now he isn't suffering, you are horrible pet owners'.

Oh she blustered and squawked, I walked away, I had hay to unload. Morons. They never did get another dog, and they moved away that Spring.

So no I have no sympathy for stupid dog owners, yes as CB stated dogs are apex predators, and esp if you get 2 or more, they get right stupid chasing things. Which is why I have a zero bad manners policy here with my friends and families dogs.

We have a saying in the horse world - there are no problem horses only problem riders. Well same with dogs (and while we are at it kids too), there are no bad dogs only stupid bad owners.

OK I am off my soap box now :)

Here is a chuckle I came across - wish I has seen it for yesterday!
One day at my doctors office I was told that she wanted my urinalysis. I told her that ā€œshe could take it right now and Iā€™m ready. Iā€™m pleased that my opinion means something to you!ā€ Big mistake on my part. I thought she wanted my analysis or opinion on something. ( I was wrong ) :oops: I was so embarrassed šŸ™ˆ
da dum dum.....

I will owe BIG tax for this and I promise to pay up but this just caught my eye and I shouted YES (scared Mr P hahaha). I ABSOLUTELY hate when they ask you 'what are your salary expectations' - 'well I really want to make $150,000/yr, but I am negotiable', is my usual reply - they laugh I laugh.... I think to myself - morons.
Yup - if the owner even takes the fur-ball in, many owners are so oblivious about their pets.

I have sent many a dog to the animal control here, and I do not tell owners - so sad too bad for them. If they cannot be responsible for their animals they shouldn't have them. I spend heaps of money to ensure my horses are contained and safe for everyone - dog owners should do the same, many accidents have been caused by vehicles swerving to miss dogs on the road.

One neighbour up the road from me, had their dog always in my paddocks, I could never catch the suck, but I did warn the owners on multiple times to keep the dog contained. One winter morning I was coming home with a load of hay and there was the dog, dead in the ditch. So I went up to their door, and when she came out I told her, and her kids with her that 'your dog is dead in the ditch, looks like he has been there all night'.

'Oh, no' she whined 'my husband let him out to do his business and he didn't come back in, he never runs off'

Astonished I looked at her and in front of her kids said 'WTH do you mean he never runs free? I have been here no less than 4 times warning you about him running and chasing my horses. AND did you and your husband not even think to check the ditch in case he was injured and in the ditch? Well? No I guess not and I bet your dog died a horrible slow death freezing to death in that ditch last night. I am glad you dog is dead now he isn't suffering, you are horrible pet owners'.

Oh she blustered and squawked, I walked away, I had hay to unload. Morons. They never did get another dog, and they moved away that Spring.

So no I have no sympathy for stupid dog owners, yes as CB stated dogs are apex predators, and esp if you get 2 or more, they get right stupid chasing things. Which is why I have a zero bad manners policy here with my friends and families dogs.

We have a saying in the horse world - there are no problem horses only problem riders. Well same with dogs (and while we are at it kids too), there are no bad dogs only stupid bad owners.

OK I am off my soap box now :)

Here is a chuckle I came across - wish I has seen it for yesterday!
You would have a field day with all the morons who have dogs in this neighborhood!
Wth?! What do you mean gone?? Ok o need to read ahead.

ok I am confused, so she wandered off then came back? Oh ya thatā€™s a chicken for youā€¦. Tippy was in the neighbours backyard a couple days ago - I had to sneak over and chase her skinny butt home!

Thank goodness she is back - she was just scenic-ing šŸ˜ŠšŸ’•
I called all around the street and entered some gardens with open gates. But my cat led the 3 chickens back into the back once, so maybe it was him again. He was acting really strange like he knew what was happening, my friend said the same.
He thought pusscat was looking somehow
He came up to me after demanding food and treats šŸ˜†

She sat in my lap for ages while I sent texts and called friends to update. She was so relaxed the little devil

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