Bees and bums


So far I have found the sharp bits on the cats to be more painful than the sharp bits on chickens. But I don't have a rooster with spurs so it may not be a fair comparison.
I did get an almighty peck yesterday because a little green bug landed on me. Diana is quick and she loves little green bugs.
She didn't draw blood but it was very painful! Still, I fared better than the little green bug.
Honestly the Spurs aren’t really all that much of a threat to a person, the sharp nails, solid bites when handling them, and blunt impact when getting flogged seem to be the worst aspects of Rooster issues, IMO. Broody hen pecks/bites are much worse. But I only have the one “Attack Rooster” so…
Yeeep! Buttercup laid her very first egg yesterday! I guess this declares that she is the oldest in the three chicks we bought (who all turned out to be pullets,). Buttercup is a Sapphire Olive Egger, but I can tell her egg from Flawie the Olive Egger since that her (Butter) eggs look more blue-ish than Flawie's, kind of like an Easter Egger's egg.
Yeeep! Buttercup laid her very first egg yesterday! I guess this declares that she is the oldest in the three chicks we bought (who all turned out to be pullets,). Buttercup is a Sapphire Olive Egger, but I can tell her egg from Flawie the Olive Egger since that her (Butter) eggs look more blue-ish than Flawie's, kind of like an Easter Egger's egg.
Congratulations! First eggs are amazing. :wee:wee
This picture is a week old, but the last of my silkies finally has a name. The other 2 are Branch *a suspected male now* and Poppy. Me and Rosie have been going back and forth on a name for the last one, neither of us liking what the other has chosen. All the while doing this continuing to call her what I nickname all my chicks while they are tiny babies. Little bits, or Itty bits. I've always said the right chick will one day earn the right to keep the nickname "lil bit", although it would be a comical name for one of my big girls. It finally dawned on me and Rosie that she is going to stay small, and she responds to the nickname Lil bit. So here she is in all her tiny glory, officially meet "Lil Bit". And yes one way or another I've decided to make it work and hang onto my crazy silkie fluffs.
Socks on a Rooster

I just heard this phrase which I have never heard before, "It's like trying to put socks on a rooster".

I'm wondering, does that mean it's easy or hard? What do you think @featherhead007? Does Jaffar wear socks? Does he put them on one foot at a time?
Jaffar doesn’t wear socks. He does sport feathered feet though. :D
I think you should go to the ER. That heart rhythm stuff is not to be taken lightly.
Just an FYI, my doctor confirmed I should have gone to the ER, and we’d have a diagnosis. Tomorrow I have an appointment to put on a heart monitor I’ll wear for two weeks and Aug. 20th is my first (video) appointment with the cardiologist. Getting the ball rolling!

Just an FYI, my doctor confirmed I should have gone to the ER, and we’d have a diagnosis. Tomorrow I have an appointment to put on a heart monitor I’ll wear for two weeks and Aug. 20th is my first (video) appointment with the cardiologist. Getting the ball rolling!

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I am very glad you are getting the ball rolling - you had me worried.
So caring about your chickens' health and ignoring your own!

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