It just hit us here - lots of thunder and torrential rain. Normally that cools things down but apparently the heat starts in earnest tomorrow. Poor Princesses!
That is the first one. I did not take photos of that one. The second one was worse here. You got another coming.
The Buckeyes alerted me last night to a bad mistake I made yesterday! I hadn't closed up the back of the coop after cleaning the roost bars and tray in the afternoon. So the "secure" coop and run had an opening vulnerable to aerial predators through there! I had been distracted by something and never went back to it and didn't see it as it's on the end of the complex.

Somebody started the escort call shortly after their usual roost time, about 8:35. That was unusual to hear. I always go to see them when I hear it, whenever, or any other sudden sound, so out I went with a flashlight (its pretty dark in the woodsy part of the yard then). Yikes! They were up in the coop but grouped as far away from the open back as possible. I'm so glad they told me to come and check! Thank you Buckeyes!

She says you're welcome but please don't do that again!

Checking on the mealworms jar on the chair, at some point we'll get some....

Hazel on alert about something yesterday afternoon

The Buckeyes alerted me last night to a bad mistake I made yesterday! I hadn't closed up the back of the coop after cleaning the roost bars and tray in the afternoon. So the "secure" coop and run had an opening vulnerable to aerial predators through there! I had been distracted by something and never went back to it and didn't see it as it's on the end of the complex.

Somebody started the escort call shortly after their usual roost time, about 8:35. That was unusual to hear. I always go to see them when I hear it, whenever, or any other sudden sound, so out I went with a flashlight (its pretty dark in the woodsy part of the yard then). Yikes! They were up in the coop but grouped as far away from the open back as possible. I'm so glad they told me to come and check! Thank you Buckeyes!

She says you're welcome but please don't do that again!
View attachment 2793167

Checking on the mealworms jar on the chair, at some point we'll get some....
View attachment 2793168

Hazel on alert about something yesterday afternoon
View attachment 2793169
View attachment 2793170
I have left the coop open before on hot days. They have let me know about it too. It's fast too have backup in case we forget!

The feathers on those Buckeyes are just amazing! Great pictures! 👍
I have left the coop open before on hot days. They have let me know about it too. It's fast too have backup in case we forget!

The feathers on those Buckeyes are just amazing! Great pictures! 👍
I got a new Android phone, chosen for a good camera at reasonable cost for me, a Pixel 4a. Trying it out the last couple of days. It can focus a lot closer, and seems fairly quick, and is much better in low light than my previous phone. I need to see about muting the camera "click" - I got close to the group & touched the trigger spot, it clicked and everyone jumped all at once. Oops, sorry, ladies!
Back at it Again

I could not find Phyllis. And then I did. 😞View attachment 2793063
Poor baby. Do you think it’s broodiness or not being permitted to roost? Bob, would you consider some sort of separators (curtains?) to make sections along the roost? Then maybe Phyllis could roost in her own section. Thoughts?

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