I’m looking for a great barbecue sauce recipe. Does anyone make their own recipes? (This is not taxable, because it could involve chickens, but not my chickens.) ?
I make my own, but I usually look up and combine several recipies. It always comes out a bit different. A couple of summers ago I made some amazing sauce with fresh blackberries (filtered out the seeds) so good!

Rosie eating a blackberry 😊
So, the feral store turkeys are gone, not to thanksgiving, though. The ‘Vid made people crazy here, and a big sign of that was our population rose over 30%, so many new people (and I swear we NEED an entrance exam) our population is now 420 something “residents”
Going to need to add more Tax to cover this one for sure!!!
.There’s a person on the other side of the island with a “lovely little mink” denning and raising young in her yard, that thinks the invasive native owl damaging “Eastern Barred Owl” is wonderful for controlling rodents, and brought her pet rabbits and is upset her neighbours have outdoor cats that “menace them”… yes Facebook IS Awful… anyone know Fluevog shoes? The son and his trophy wife now live here…yay! When everyone had frozen pipes and there was a three day power outage in the cold snap/declared provincial emergency our rec Center refused to allow access for a soup kitchen/showers/phone charging claiming Covid restrictions and they don’t want to allow the unvaccinated access. This happens every winter power outage, the virus was just the newest excuse to keep our emergency building clean and available for the bridge club and pickleballers. Someone got loud online about it rev Center called the police who visited him, agreed the building should be open, asked him to not upset the racist older folks of the committee with his language online. He shared his mean post and the trophy wife actually posted “well if an individual isn’t able to care for their own needs and has the police called on the we probably do t want them on this island anyway” ummm Mr Hammuda’s family has been here for three generations… and the police agreed the rec Center was wrong and he wanted the building open for his 90 year old grandfather but hey the arrived in 2021
Trophy wife knows more about island life than us low-brow dirty residents so…
Anyhow the young Tom used to see his reflection in the store door or a shiny bumper and get excited… sometimes they would get near people. This was scary. And annoyed people because they would sometimes slow traffic or parking in the stores lot. So the store had the turkeys “relocated” to a property at the far end of the island and securely contained, until they were killed by (go figure) a mink. Legal for the same reasons Arduinna is, they are feral, not wildlife 😭 so no more store turkeys and I can’t wait for all the new owners to return to the city or at least get off the community Facebook forums.View attachment 2990691
You are doing nothing to convince me of the value of Facebook !
Beautiful tax picture. Love me a black chicken with green highlights!
Just had a slight scare… the sense of joy I had watching the rain fall gently upon my fully wrapped house was just literally torn apart. I almost lost the whole three rolls of housewrap. It was only held down by the random lumber I left scattered over it. I will explain further later exactly how… but we got it just in time and nailed some rain screen to hold it for now.

Morning coffee
DH: “gee that is quite some windstorm, I hope our windows go ok today”
Me: “oh S***, ****** ***** *****, Damn, oh no, no we’re losing it, get pants on NOW

Running through 50km/h+ winds to try to wrestle a 50x50 patchwork housewrap sheet that’s trying to fly off the roof and almost succeeding…
I make my own, but I usually look up and combine several recipies. It always comes out a bit different. A couple of summers ago I made some amazing sauce with fresh blackberries (filtered out the seeds) so good!View attachment 2990752
Rosie eating a blackberry 😊
Awesome! I was thinking of experimenting with a tropical fruit based bbq sauce 🤔
Oh no!
It has started again. Diana just laid a no-shell egg out in the yard.
It was complete so she is OK for now but I had really hoped that after the break she took that she would either stop laying entirely or put shells on the eggs.
Given she hasn’t laid an egg since December, or maybe even November, I don’t think I can put this down to calcium deficiency. It is her messed up reproductive system.
Such a shame. Particularly as she is otherwise looking really healthy and happy. Damn production breeding.

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