Faverolles are even fluffier....

Come to think of it, they're bearded and muffed, and similar coloring. Wonder if Aurora has some Faverolle in her...
I beleive EEs can have faverolle in them. She very much looks like a faverolle.
Sadly no change
I was so optimistic that they might roost together tonight because it was such a peaceful day. There was hanging out together, eating together, and even a preening party.
But come dusk the Math Majors hopped up to the rafters leaving Bernie looking longingly up until she thought better of it and roosted alone.
Baby steps. Eating and hanging together come first, building trust (ya never know who's going to wallop ya when your sleeping otherwise).

A pair that used to roost together most of the time, now not so much.

Jess has decided Hector is awesome, while Cuckoo prefers Cheetah. It's nice to see they still trust each other for mutual preening (the BIG trust exercise).
I'd have to look up the anatomy. I call them "side wattles."

I have no experience and have never read about fowl cholera before. The little bit I'm reading says "swollen wattles" using the plural, but it's not clear if both wattles are swollen in a single bird. Unless she's got immunity it doesn't make sense it could be that if she's otherwise acting fine (poop is normal?), and you have no other chickens affected. Also, that's the only wattle swollen, seems weird....Suspecting infection from a wound, it's a likely wound spot too.
well I think so too, and it is the skin under the ear and not under her chin,
no one else has an issue,
I didnt notice it yesterday and everyone got a wet dirt bath on
Thur. Even Rooster hahaha
Ok experts, this is not foul cholera ,

This morning I noticed one of my hens had a swollen wattle, she is acting fine.
Just one, no I dont think it is Foul Cholera, but she has something going on, I put some Benadryl cream on it to start, later I'll see if that did much-----

image_67182081.JPG image_50392321.JPG


On an irritating note, I noticed some beginnings of mold is a few places on the walls,,
SO< 10am
I got ever side wall wiped down and then sprayed with the Clorox cleaner and wiped again.
(an older pic)

The Benadryl cream did help a bit, but after I was done cleaning about 11:30, I got a warm wash cloth out and wiped her wattle off and rubbed it a bit, then I put bag balm on it. I scrubbed the water jug and refilled it. I added Rooster Booster electrolytes and probiotics to the water.

so now its 3:45, I
checked on the hen, its not draining just very swollen, what do you think if I put arnica cream on it?
Like I said, she is eating and drinking and acting fine, but I bet she has a headache....

Any thoughts???
If it were summer I would say bee sting. Does the swollen earlobe/wattle feel hotter than the other side?
I would post this on the emergencies forum in case someone else has experience. And I agree with the aspirin idea - it reduces swelling as well as helps with pain. Just pop a baby aspirin down her gullet.

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