Its "calcium" but it doesn't process into eggshell as well as oyster shell flakes do. Many of the "oystershell" are actually Limestone pellets. At the molecular level, the calcium is bonded with different things. I don't remember exactly what, but my actual shell source disappeared. The Limestone (sold as oystershell) wasn't fixing the fragile shell issues. When I can get actually oyster shell, it does. Meanwhile, I'm getting eggshells from all and sundry which is fixing the issue too.
Very interesting - thanks! I will have to check on the label in the bin I have it stored in....
i just got a medal....byc friend? How did that happen?

Cardhu stretched her wings at just the right time....View attachment 3651076Hummingchicken....

I have no idea how the medals and such work - or what it comes with.
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Oyster shell

This is what is on the bag:

This is what it looks like, I just throw a pile in the ground and they peck and dig through it.
Gutter and drain pipe on, but I need to cut it a bit shorter I think

Clearing out the run down to earth and shale. This is Butters' inspecting. And eating worms! She has lost weight though, about 6 oz, down to 2lbs 15 oz from 3lbs 5 oz.



Got a quarter of this run clear, started on hardware cloth all around, some old boards for the sides - I keep debating using treated wood, or just seeing how this works and changing them out when necessary.
Our excavator/ driveway guy has a gravel mix he thought would work well for drainage and raising the floor so he brought over a bucketload.

Starting to fill in

Doing it in sections, this is 25% so far. Using boards to keep the old litter and gravel sand separate between work sessions.

My idea is to cover this with landscape fabric to not clog the gravel stuff? And then pile shavings thickly to make the litter on top? Or since this is more like a sandy mix and not all just pebbles shall I just tamp this down and build litter thickly on it? That would allow bugs and worms etc to move through it better, all those microbes everyone says we should encourage? Or, I'm saving some old litter that's stayed dry and could "inoculate" the new litter so it could be good even if over the landscape fabric?
Scratch n Peck oyster shell ($$$) is in flakes and appears to be actual oyster shell. Manna Pro ($) appears much whiter and looks like chicken grit or tiny gravel. Now I’m having doubts about it!
I get the Manna-Pro 50lb. bag at TSC. It is actual oyster shells chopped/flaked into smaller pieces.
Hello everybody!!!

How is everyone?

Life has been busy but good. I'm still chicken-less, but please enjoy "my" breeding pair of vultures!

View attachment 3651099
At least they are facing that way - wouldn't want a cecal poop raining down on you from on high!!!!

So nice to 'see' you again!
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