found a long lost relative

I am forever finding relatives thanks to my darlin' father.
He left before I was born and apparently always has kids popping out of the wood works - I have 2 sisters & a brother that I KNOW about from him, and possibly a 3rd sister born on the exact same day/year as me, though I'll never know because she was put up for adoption.

I always think it's kinda neat to find out who you're related to. But a bummer that they aren't really "part" of the family.
My cousins dad is the same way. My aunt divorced him I think over 10 years ago. My cousin found out about 5 years ago that she has a half brother. I want to get to know my newly found relative. I looked at almost all my lost relatives and everyone is from NJ and 1 from PA.
My biological father had 7 after me. Lived in the same city 20 years and never met any of them. I find relatives because of genealogy research. I have had such a wonderful experience meeting cousins from all over. Most of them are 2 generations older than me, but I love their family stories. I'm so happy for you.
Unfortunately, both my dad's name and my last name ( i don't have his) are not unique at all. Very common.
I'm sorry. is what I went on and found my relatives. Maybe you can do a search on there. You have to pay to get personal info though

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