found a long lost relative

That is pretty neat! I was doing some genealogical research and found 2 relatives that I never knew.

One a man in Utah. His mom and my grandmother were sisters. His mom moved away after she got married and then died shortly after her son was born. After that, the family just lost contact with them.

The other a man in Arkansas. My great grandmother and his great grandfather were siblings. Their parents moved from PA to Arkansas for a while. Then some of the family, like his great grandfather decided to stay in Arkansas, but my great grandmother went with other family members back to PA. The family in PA knew they had family in Arkansas, but lost touch when the older generations died.

We were all searching our family roots ... serendipity can be a wonderful thing!
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That is really neat. I really dont know much about Derek. I never even heard about him Lol! I would love to know which side of the family he is on.
I have found and become friends with thrice-removed relatives in my geneology work. We keep in touch and share new ancestry info.

It's really great to have people to whom you "belong"
I had a cool theory which could be accurate. He thinks are real name uhlarik. Which I believe is our real name. Type in our last name ohlarik and you get 174 hits. uhlarik has like 10,000.

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