
I love your frizzles. Just glad I have a few of them.
Thank you, I have 2 cochin chicks from mixed eggs where there were black, buff, partridge and some others, they appear to be black but maybe they will bloom to be partridge. I REALLY wanted partridge but they ran together. Crossing fingers.
Thank you again.
Wow she is beautiful! I want her LOL

Oh and btw, the frizzle mom I have (black frizzle hen) shes got to have the partridge gene in her, i know we already figured, but today shes got all her feathers grown back in from molt and she fluffed up and i noticed some brown down feathers. So I picked her up an shes got a couple feathers that have a brown tent to them.
E = Extended black, or dominant black. When this gene is present, your bird will be black.

e+ = a black gene that is recessive to E. It is the pattern for black brested red, which is considered to be the "wild" pattern (Think tabby markings on a cat. Those are considered a wild pattern.) In females, breast is salmon brown and devoid of stippling, body is black and brown in stippled pattern.

eb = a black gene that is recessive to E. It is the pattern for partridge coloring and makes E dark brown. Females have non-salmon breast with stippling. Males are wild-type.

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