GAH!!! or the Evolution of a Hoop Tractor. pix inside

I have gotten the chix wire on the frame now but I have run into a problem. How can I make a door to get in the front of hte hoop house? I can't use wood framing because I don't have a saw.
everything but a front door. I have time to figure out a nest box as my babies are only 4 weeks old.
PVC framing might be a good solution. THanks Foghorn!
total material cost inc purchace of needed tools 190.00 US
evaluating what I have done so far. I forgot to make handles to move the thing although it is light enough for DH & I to lift by holding the frame.
I dont have braces to keep the frame square, I used L shaped metal plates & galvanized screws which made the butt joints square but it still torques when pushed. note to self, get a meiter saw and make braces.
inside access is still perplexing me. making a door is proving to be harder than I thought.
I have done this all myself. I reccomend having a helper.
I am concerned about the heat lamp set up. I have had to clamp the lamp onto the frame which is secure but I am worried about what will happen when it rains. I have an orange outdoor extension cord but I am worried about water geting inside and dripping down the cord. THis may be a needless worry, but it is concerning me nonetheless. Also my light is about 3.5 ft high and Ilm concerned the heat wont get to the chicks. I don't have a chain I can use and the lamp does not have a guard on it like I have seen on others . The babies are in my unheated but attached garage right now. the night temps seem to get into the 50's. I'm worried that it may be too cold for them without a heat lamp.(there are 10 of them)
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Thank you Foghorn for your suggestion on the door frame and to all the others who helped with suggestions as this evolved.
wouldnt you know it though, later in the week it is supposed to get down into the 40's. a touch too nip for the babies (4 weekers)even with a heat light , right?
You certainly have done a good job!

Concerning the light question, you could take anything, maybe a coat hanger, and lower the light. You could easily take some of your chicken wire and wrap it around the front of the light to make a guard. I did this with mine using hardware cloth. And although you don't need a nest box yet, you will need a roost. Are your chicks roosting yet? If not then I'd put some bedding, even an old towel, on the ground under the light for them to sleep on so they don't have to sleep on the cold ground and maybe get chilled. hth
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I never thought about using the hardwire cloth over the light. THANKS!
oh I have a temp roost in there, it's a broom handle stuck in the holes of the chix wire. So far it's not up too high as they roost in the brooder at a very low level.
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Bungy cords work great for a lot of things. I have used them to hang the feeder in my tractor, as well as the lamp. I used a tarp over the chicken wire to keep the rain out and had no problem with water finding its way down the cord. You can still add some sort of handles if you want. Just attach them to the four corners on the outside. Even heavy rope loops will make the task of moving the tractor easier. Be careful about lifting using the pvc spines--they may actually pull out of the attachment points. You have done a great job and it looks like a very good design. Your feathered friends are going to love it.

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