Geese vs Ducks


Jul 1, 2020
We recently adopted 2 mallards who’s owner could no longer care for them. They are both males and around 4-6 months old. My Toulouse Geese (2 females) have always “ran our flock” and when we first got the mallards that didn’t change. The geese kept them in line. Starting yesterday this has switch. The Mallards are chasing the geese around the yard. Separating them and bullying them. They never catch them but I hate to see/hear my girls cry from being apart. If I’m outside with them I obviously put it to a halt. But I know it goes on all day. Is this normal? Why aren’t my geese sticking up for themselves anymore? I separated them for over 2 weeks in the beginning and they still don’t all sleep together. The mallards dont mess with any of the other ducks. I think they actually fear my Muscovy.
I do not raise waterfowl, but from what I have gathered on BYC, ducks and geese generally don't get along or understand each other.
I am sorry you are experiencing this problem, and wish you luck with your flock. Hopefully someone with more knowledge will come along to help you soon.
I have American Buff Geese and they don't like my standard size ducks at all. They do like to chatter and sit on the other side of the fence from my Call Ducks.
I have American Buff Geese and they don't like my standard size ducks at all. They do like to chatter and sit on the other side of the fence from my Call Ducks.

I was ready for them not to like them. But not be afraid of them. The geese are so much bigger than the mallards. You’d think they would just pinch Them and be done with the chasing!
One of my female Toulouse Friday was terrified of ducks her whole life until recently. My drake Olaf started it, the drakes get hormonal in the spring and harass anything they set their minds too. Olaf just doesnt leave the geese alone, especially Friday, even though he was nearly killed several times by my gander Leo, he just wouldn’t stop bullying Friday. I had to step in and stop him from chasing her and getting attacked by Leo and I eventually have to separate him.

This spring Friday hatched some babies out, Olaf started running at her her first outing from the nest with the goslings, partly because he was after her but also because I think he was trying to attack the babies. It was all Friday needed to master her fear and she ripped him up. I had to step in to save his a** this time. Now she chases him when she sees him.

Ducks can sometimes be extremely pea brained from my own expierience, the geese see their bravado and think they’re tougher than they are, unfortunatly ducks can be big bullies and just don’t stop terrorizing.
I don’t really understand their logic honestly, ganders get hormonal and attack anything they see as a threat to their mate, goslings, or nest, but my drake ignores my three female ducks just so he can stalk the geese, specifically Friday, sometimes all day. The girl ducks are left to fend for themselves and ignored all day because he’s obsessed with bullying other larger birds. Seems like a poor survival strategy honestly.

The problem is when the geese figure out who’s really bigger and stronger they’ll end it, sometimes permanently.
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