Giant Silkie Project.

Does This Sound Like A Good Idea Silkie Lovers?

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How far is Belding, from Tawas? If you ain't too far, I can give you some silkies, next spring.

I have a Malay cockerel needing a new home. Still waiting for the right person to want, & take him.
I can't take your Malay, as I have a roo, and one is... enough. If I enlarge my flock next spring, I'll try hatching my own, mostly for the experience. And to see what I get.

But thank you for the offer. :frow
Mine clean their muddy foot feathers pretty well. Same with the Brahmas. Feather legged birds adapt pretty well.

I'll get a picture of Scaredy tomorrow. He's molted, & looks like his old self again. Scaredy is the name of the Silkie in the picture I posted.

They're fluffy chickens, look nothing like a stuffed animal.
Mine clean they're feathers pretty good too. One day I will go out and think, "Hmm, I should wash they're feet" and the next day I go back out in the morning and they look like nothing ever happened to them. (The feet feathers).
Mine clean they're feathers pretty good too. One day I will go out and think, "Hmm, I should wash they're feet" and the next day I go back out in the morning and they look like nothing ever happened to them. (The feet feathers).
Silkies are definitely tidy birds.

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