Giant Silkie Project.

Does This Sound Like A Good Idea Silkie Lovers?

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One of my silkie pullets suddenly lost the use of her foot. Hoping it's just a simple vitamin deficiency. She still has use of her leg, just not her foot. Her other leg is still usable.
Another possibility, is a pinched nerve, which would be better news.

I've had a problem in the past when a few chickens came down with mycotoxicosis, from eating moldy feed. They had to be put down due to that. I hope that she didn't eat anything with mold.
Good news. Seems like it's a pinched nerve after all. She moved her toes abit after the first dosage of vitamins. Her leg had the jitters, which is something I've seen with chickens with a pinched nerve.
Glad to hear she’s doing better!
Hopefully she continues to improve.
Will be updating later.

Will be checking on her her in a bit, & give her another round of vitamins.
Now leaning towards Sprained. She has leg, & foot function, she just doesn't want to use it.
Able to curle her toes, around my finger, & pull back with her leg. Will give her an Aspirin later, & see if it will encourage her to use her leg since it'll be less painful.
I was too hopeful. It does look like she did ingested Mycotoxin.
All I can do is keep treating, & hope she pulls through. Hate it when they eat something moldy.
Aww i hope she pulls through. I didnt realize i had moldy food, but was able to clean it up before any chickens got it. I have to thank the ducks for that though.

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