Gonna build a run, what size run do I need?


6 Years
Mar 27, 2013
Mid Michigan
There's poop poop everywhere! I can't keep them off the back deck, I slipped on duck poop last night ugh
Atm we only have 5 chickens and 2 ducks and since our run is so small (we free range all day) I have decided to build them a bigger run in the east side of the house. We will still let them out but not all day like we have been . All this poop and no grass is driving me insane. So insane that as of right now I don't even want to think of getting more chickens

Is a 6 foot by 30 foot run big enough for 5 chickens and 2 mascovy ducks? Thanks.
Oh in the next 2 months we are also enclosing part of the deck for the ducks 14x14 we are gonna re-purpose an old non working hot tub for them to use as a pond...
These space questions are usually hard to answer with a precise number since we keep them in so many different conditions, but yours is pretty easy. That should be plenty of room for 5 chickens and 2 ducks.
I know that ducks can be pretty messy... A lot of people try to have separate areas for their chickens and ducks. 5x30 ft area would be Ok but better if wider (say 10x20 ft). Some people let chickens free range around their house and yard but I would not tolerate poop on porches/decks/sidewalks... etc..
I have had the same problem with my birds. We have four ducks and a bunch of chickens. They poop on the back porch and the four ducks alone have somehow killed all the grass in our yard! I would hesitate to pen up the chickens with the ducks together. We have had problems with our Pekin ducks harassing the chickens, especially the male duck. Plus they make the chicken water spilled and filthy, and the chicken feed gets all wet and molded from duck drool! Ducks are nasty. Lucky they are so incredibly adorable...
Thanks guys!!!

We were not going to pen up the ducks with the chickens but it kinda just happened that way. The ducks follows the chickens into the chicken coop at night lol...We even have a small tub for the ducks that the chickens stand on the rim & play. I dont now if thats good for the chickens but so far everyone seems happy. As far as the ducks we just got them & the sure are nasty but oh so cute!!!!
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