Happy Halloween: What are your favorite scary movies?


12 Years
Jan 27, 2007
southwestern Michigan
I am hoping this hasn't been posted before. Halloween is around the corner and has got me into the scary movies for halloween. I love horror movies but not the slash and gore movies that most todays youth gravitate to. I was raised on the great horror stars ie Vincent Price and the such.

If I had to list one good horror movie it would be the classic original 1966 version Night Of The Living Dead! For a low budget film it was great and no leading actors either. There are a lot of other faves of mine too. I like Hitchcok and the Twilight Zone shows too.

What are yours?
One of my scariest memories came from a movie from the seventies, It's Alive. It was about deformed, monster-like babies being born and then killing everyone in the delivery room. The babies had this real eerie cry and one day as I was walking home from school after seeing this movie, I heard that same cry coming from a neighbors' bush. I nearly wet myself with fear and then a chihuahua came out wagging her tail! I have never forgot that feeling to this day!
I saw this when I was younger and the part where Michael Myers falls and the window and then is not there any more, freaked me out as a kid.
I was always too afraid to see this movie. The coverart for the movie frightened me! I remember the kids in my school talking a lot about this particular movie though.

I really need to watch it.

The original Children of The Corn ruined all corn fields for me forever.

The concept of Nightmare On Elm Street still freaks me out.
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The first few Halloween movies are good, then they just get cheesy. I like zombie movies - Dawn of the Dead, 28 Days Later, Resident Evil, even Shaun of the Dead (

The Thing with Kurt Russell is very good. Session 9 is psychologically freaky.

DH loves the Evil Dead flicks
I have my favorite Halloween Movies. It's not Halloween if I don't watch these movies this time of year.

Interview With a Vampire
Bram Stoker's Dracula
The Corpse Bride
The Great Pumpkin~ Charlie Brown
Van Helsing
The Labrynth
Practical Magic
Harry Potter Series
The Messengers
The Fog
The Mummy Series

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