Harris Farms Nurture Right 360 Incubator is AMAZING!

So place her and a “very few” of her eggs back in a nesting box within the coop? I wouldn’t want all of those eggs to possibly hatch along with what I have in the incubator. If I have to wait for her eggs to hatch they may be a week or two younger than the ones I place with her.

I will research more here on BYC also. I panicked because I have to leave and won’t be back until close to dark. But I will read this evening until my eyes cross as usual. So very much great info here from people like you!! Thanks so much!!

UThobby offered some very good advice. One thing I will add is that only the very best hens will accept new chicks after maybe 2-3 days of hatching their own chicks. They have a tendency to reject newcomers once their own chicks are done hatching. I've had broody hens do both and you won't really know what kind of broody she will be until you try. Putting chicks under her wings after dark is usually the most successful method.

Also, don't be surprised if she panics and tries to get back to her nesting spot. Some hens will settle in wherever you put their eggs and others will run back to their nesting spot even if their eggs are no longer there.
I have the same incubator and I’m having trouble stabilizing my humidity. Did you? How did you add water and how often?
I was filling mine halfway and it worked just fine for a few days then it went wacky! I did as advised here and started filling side A all the way (B should be empty) and opened the vent completely. Now it has stabilized around 50.

I think my problem came from our humidity outside which has been extremely high. So bad our porch has stayed wet the last few days. Maybe that’s part of yours also. Good luck!
I just reread your post. Looks like you'll have to make some decisions on what she hatches. Assuming she sticks to the nest post move.
I think she just started staying on her nest today. I’ve spent a lot of time out back the last few days since the weather is better and she’s stayed with us.
She got off the nest and there are 18 eggs! And there is no way I could pick and choose which to keep, don’t have the heart for that. When I get home I will move them and her and see what happens. If she stays with them it will be 21 days to hatch which would be well past my incubators hatch date.
This may become as exciting as the incubator :celebrate
I think she just started staying on her nest today. I’ve spent a lot of time out back the last few days since the weather is better and she’s stayed with us.
She got off the nest and there are 18 eggs! And there is no way I could pick and choose which to keep, don’t have the heart for that. When I get home I will move them and her and see what happens. If she stays with them it will be 21 days to hatch which would be well past my incubators hatch date.
This may become as exciting as the incubator :celebrate

Good luck! Worst case scenario you at least have the incubator as a backup. Broody hens are both wonderful and unpredictable. I've had horrible and wonderful experiences with my broody hens.
Hi everyone. We just got our incubator this past week and will be starting some eggs either tomorrow or Tuesday. Any tips for a first timer? Thanks all.

It's a very easy incubator to use so my tips would be to scan the instructions, run the incubator for a day to make sure everything is working, reset the number of days to hatch once you put eggs in it because it has an automatic shut off at day 18 for lockdown, and always feel free to ask questions! Good luck on your hatch!

Oh and unlike the instructions, I have found that leaving the vent wide open and filling port A with water gets the humidity to about 45% usually and I find this to be the perfect humidity to start eggs at in the NR360. Monitor the air cell development throughout incubation and adjust if needed but this is usually my starting point. Have fun!
Aw, I'm sorry one passed after a couple of days. :hugs Sometimes there isn't anything you can do and there is just something internal or genetically wrong that you can't change.
Yeah it happens. I'm incubating 12 eggs right now. I took out rotator, increased humidity and gave them a final candle. I'm pretty sure three failed to progress because they were all developing at the start. I'm so scared I'm wrong though and left them in there
Yeah it happens. I'm incubating 12 eggs right now. I took out rotator, increased humidity and gave them a final candle. I'm pretty sure three failed to progress because they were all developing at the start. I'm so scared I'm wrong though and left them in there

If they don't stink there's no harm in waiting to check again in a couple days. I just put a "?" on eggs I'm unsure about.
Lockdown! 3 Leghorn and 6 barnyard mixes. For one reason or another I've never successfully hatched a white egg! Hopefully these are the ones to break the curse. :fl

I added some paper towels into the outside ring of the base to help with clean up. I know there was some mention of vent holes down there. I haven't packed the paper towels that tightly. I think some air should get through. The vent at the top is always fully open.

At the beginning of this hatch I opened a new gallon jug of distilled water. It's pretty darn close to half empty today (day 18). Which means I've used up 8 cups of water so far. That's just under 1/2 cup a day topping off well A.



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