Harris Farms Nurture Right 360 Incubator is AMAZING!

Hatching smells can definitely be funky.
I don't see internal pips on these 2. The internal pips usually look like a little triangle shadow that you should be able to see moving as they breathe as well.

My initial thoughts are that they may be malpositioned. Once I'm down to stragglers like this is when I step in but a lot of people choose to leave whatever will be, will be, and that's fine too! If you choose to step in just be aware that malpositions are the most difficult assists and the most likely to fail.

One may have already quit, causing the smell too, depends on just how funky of a smell that you're smelling. So if you open the air cell be prepared with something to put it in if it is a stinker.

I use triple antibiotic ointment without pain reliever and apply it to the membrane gently with a qtip to make it translucent so I can see what I'm dealing with. The ointment lasts much longer than anything else I've used and doesn't cause the membrane to harden like some oils do.
Where would I start with opening it? I may wait until the kids leave this afternoon and attempt it if nothing pops before then.
I have one chick whose wing feathers look a little odd. I've searched and read quite a few threads and most seem to say that wing problems for chicks go away as they mature. I thought I would post a picture here for comment. I did also post it on another, old, thread about "angel wing". Authoritative sources seem to say that's not really a problem with chickens, and especially can't tell for young chicks. Anyway...

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Can you hold the chick to get some additional pictures possibly? You may be able to just offer some additional drops of poultry vitamins as well. Sometimes odd things like this are from vitamin deficiencies in the breeding flock rather than a shortage after hatch and that's why they see if go away as they grow because it's not a lack in what they're feeding.
Where would I start with opening it? I may wait until the kids leave this afternoon and attempt it if nothing pops before then.

I would definitely wait until the kids are gone. I don't even do assists with my husband around because he's a softie, and he's always worried while I'm doing it. Lol

You would want to open through the air cell carefully because there may still be blood vessels present in the internal membrane that you don't want to nick. Take the time to read through the assisted hatch article before stepping in and it will help a lot to know what to be prepared for.

Can you hold the chick to get some additional pictures possibly? You may be able to just offer some additional drops of poultry vitamins as well. Sometimes odd things like this are from vitamin deficiencies in the breeding flock rather than a shortage after hatch and that's why they see if go away as they grow because it's not a lack in what they're feeding.

This this is a little better, maybe? It's harder to get photos in my hand because the chick changes posture. When it is walking around, it looks a little like a swept wing fighter! I'm feeding Purina Starter/Grower crumbles. They seem to like it well enough.

This this is a little better, maybe? It's harder to get photos in my hand because the chick changes posture. When it is walking around, it looks a little like a swept wing fighter! I'm feeding Purina Starter/Grower crumbles. They seem to like it well enough.

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This looks very subtle to me and I agree with what you read that it looks like the chick will grow out of this but as a precaution you can also give the chick some poultry vitamins. It certainly won't hurt anything!
Omg omg Egg H is still alive! When I candled it again, the little point in the picture I posted that looks like a shadow went in, & then poked again! It must be the beak! It was poking against the air cell! What should I do?

Egg A was moving also but in a weird way. The air cell was clear but then it got dark as if something inside was covering it. Should I start a new thread? I don’t want to clog this one too much!
Omg omg Egg H is still alive! When I candled it again, the little point in the picture I posted that looks like a shadow went in, & then poked again! It must be the beak! It was poking against the air cell! What should I do?
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Egg A was moving also but in a weird way. The air cell was clear but then it got dark as if something inside was covering it. Should I start a new thread? I don’t want to clog this one too much!

You can't clog up the thread no worries. It doesn't look like it broke through the membrane to me but I could be wrong. It's hard to say from a picture but your options remain the same, you can wait or step in. Sometimes stepping in is just a precaution and you don't end up needing to do anything other than putting ointment on the membrane while avoiding the beak. It could be that the membrane is thick or dry for some reason and the chick needs assistance puncturing it. Avoiding blood vessels in the internal membrane is the most important part of assisting and there's sometimes lots of waiting in between helping.
Or you can wait and see what happens! :fl

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