Harris Farms Nurture Right 360 Incubator is AMAZING!

I agree, the first 3 look like quitters, and the others appear to have healthy blood vessel development from these images.
I never use my plug, it stays in the box so it's definitely not that. It's also not the humidity going up so slightly for a short period of time. That shouldn't have any detrimental effect on your hatch at all.
Early quitters are the most difficult to determine the cause because we can't really "see" what happened even when doing an eggtopsy. The most that can usually be seen is what stage they quit. Occasionally, something can be seen with the naked eye, like mold growth inside the shell, but these instances are rare.

Did you reset the number of days to hatch on the incubator so that the turner is working?
I'm sure you're careful to wash and dry your hands before handling the eggs. Bacteria and oils from your hands can clog the pores of the shell.
It could even be related to the health of the flock, genetics, or stress on the flock.

I do have a higher occurrence of quitters when it's extremely hot outside. I'm not sure if it gets as hot where you live but here in the summer it's common to see temps in the 90s and when I collect eggs during those times I do have more quitters. It was a very non-scientific experiment but I even set eggs during the same time of the year when there was a slight reprieve from the heat because of more rain and there were no quitters during that time. Overall sometimes these things just happen.
Very interesting and reassuring. The Legbars looked so strong right from the start, they were shipped so who knows. Praying the 3 Legbars that are left make it to hatch. Weather here has been 70-80, but who knows what it was in Ohio when they were laid!

The turner is definitely working, I hear it move every so often, and when I wake up the eggs are in a different spot than when I went to bed.

So I should probably remove those 3. What can be seen from cracking them? What is the best way to dispose of the junk? I’ve only ever had clears or reeealy early quitters with a teeny blood spot.

Thank you so much for your help. I am currently on page 145 of reading this whole thread. I try to read 10-15 pages every night!
Very interesting and reassuring. The Legbars looked so strong right from the start, they were shipped so who knows. Praying the 3 Legbars that are left make it to hatch. Weather here has been 70-80, but who knows what it was in Ohio when they were laid!

The turner is definitely working, I hear it move every so often, and when I wake up the eggs are in a different spot than when I went to bed.

So I should probably remove those 3. What can be seen from cracking them? What is the best way to dispose of the junk? I’ve only ever had clears or reeealy early quitters with a teeny blood spot.

Thank you so much for your help. I am currently on page 145 of reading this whole thread. I try to read 10-15 pages every night!

If they were shipped eggs that's a whole other ball game as there are numerous things that can happen to eggs on the way to you. Jostling, x-rays, temperature, etc.

If you choose to do an eggtopsy at this stage it's uncommon to see much as far as the cause of death in early quitters but it can be educational if you have the stomach for it.
If the idea of disposal is difficult sometimes breaking the egg into a zip lock bag is easier. It allows you to seal and toss easily and still see everything. Another option would be to break them into a bowl and pour the contents into a hole to burry.
There shouldn't be any foul smells at this stage and as a matter of fact, if there is a stink then it's more likely to have been bacteria that caused them to quit.

I keep meaning to go back and read through the posts as well because there are many I would like to bookmark from other helpful BYCers that have popped in and out of the thread as well! I hope it has been a helpful read for you! 🥰
If they were shipped eggs that's a whole other ball game as there are numerous things that can happen to eggs on the way to you. Jostling, x-rays, temperature, etc.

If you choose to do an eggtopsy at this stage it's uncommon to see much as far as the cause of death in early quitters but it can be educational if you have the stomach for it.
If the idea of disposal is difficult sometimes breaking the egg into a zip lock bag is easier. It allows you to seal and toss easily and still see everything. Another option would be to break them into a bowl and pour the contents into a hole to burry.
There shouldn't be any foul smells at this stage and as a matter of fact, if there is a stink then it's more likely to have been bacteria that caused them to quit.

I keep meaning to go back and read through the posts as well because there are many I would like to bookmark from other helpful BYCers that have popped in and out of the thread as well! I hope it has been a helpful read for you! 🥰
Thank you again. Ziploc bag was a great idea, i cracked each into one and it looked like a regular egg yolk with a few dark blobs. Definitely quit.
DS's quail are hatching today, so his live stream was set up again.

* Technically, the quail belong to someone else. He's using his incubator to incubate and the 360 for hatching. This time he's trying the hatch as is - without removing turner or adding rubber shelf liner. So far it's not making much difference.
DS's quail are hatching today, so his live stream was set up again.

* Technically, the quail belong to someone else. He's using his incubator to incubate and the 360 for hatching. This time he's trying the hatch as is - without removing turner or adding rubber shelf liner. So far it's not making much difference.

The link behind this actually take one to Google's safe browsing report. To get to the live stream it's necessary to copy the text shown, then paste that into a new browser window. I watched the quail for a while... what is the potential benefit of leaving in the turner?
The link behind this actually take one to Google's safe browsing report. To get to the live stream it's necessary to copy the text shown, then paste that into a new browser window. I watched the quail for a while... what is the potential benefit of leaving in the turner?

No benefit other than not opening the incubator when going from normal incubation to hatching lockdown. (For those that want the "set & forget" approach.) The quail eggs were put in with 10 days left, so he just adjusted the countdown. Turner stopped on its own and water was added as needed. I think I like the rubber shelf liner for those early running chicks. Plastic is a little slick but the quail seem to be fine. I guess the turner does help prevent siblings from playing soccer with the unhatched eggs, but the shelf liner also helps reduce the rolling eggs.

When these guys are done, next week's hatch will be moved into the NR360.
I think I like the rubber shelf liner for those early running chicks. Plastic is a little slick but the quail seem to be fine.

I put the shelf liner in before I started incubating in my NR360. It didn't seem to affect the incubation at all. The turner worked as designed and there was plenty of clearance for the liner under the turner. When the incubator hit lock-down date all I had to do was open for a few seconds to pull out the turner. My opinion is that removing the turner gives a little more space.
I’m copy and pasting this from the June Hatch along:

“How do you like your NR 360 dividers?

I’m debating between ordering some from Etsy or asking my husband to 3D print some for me. If I ask my husband I’ll have the opportunity to have him make design adjustments. To measurements or what not.”
I’m copy and pasting this from the June Hatch along:

“How do you like your NR 360 dividers?

I’m debating between ordering some from Etsy or asking my husband to 3D print some for me. If I ask my husband I’ll have the opportunity to have him make design adjustments. To measurements or what not.”
Wondering the same. I bought one for this hatch, so I can tell you about it after!

Posted this in my hatch-a-long, but wanted to share my humidity info!

Day 14. Candled and weighed all eggs. 15 still going! Weight loss for the group was 10.4%, almost exactly on my graphed expectation line!

Lowest weight loss were the Orpingtons (both 8.5%) and L1 & F8 (8.7%). Highest was E1 (whopping 14.2%) and F9 (12.9%). Considering the overall weight is about .1% from my line, I don’t think humidity needs adjusting! I try to keep it around 45, but it has jumped to low 50s when I’ve been at work and it started raining (affected the humidity indoors both times), and low 30s (when water evaporates during the evening, in the morning it usually drops about 10%.

All air cells have grown. 😊

I have a question for you 360 users. One of the air cells is at the right end but tilted more toward the center on one side. For lockdown, I still put the slanted aircell side up, right? Weight loss for that one is good at 11%.

I’m thinking I’ll take out the turner on day 17 and add shelf liner and divider, then bump humidity the next day. Does this sound like a good plan?

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