Hatch-a-long Countdown!!!

Today is hatch day for my call ducks but there's not a thing coming from them :'( But I have mixed breed duck eggs in there due to hatch tomorrow and one is rocking away
Maybe my call ducks are just late I really hope.
I love it when they rock!

One of my eggs pipped last night and is shaking away! Also, at least 3 others are rocking
Woo hoo!!!!! :)

JSelvaggi, any updates?

They are absolutely precious! Out of 6 eggs, I had 5 hatch! 2 Rouen and 3 Pekin. The 6th is in the 'bator because I'm in denial. I probably shouldn't have but I couldn't believe it didn't make it. It externally pipped and had a very, very, small hole. But the look of it become almost like a dried caramel color of gook - at first i thought it was from the newly hatch ducklings. I misted (very quickly with warm water) and dabbed a moist towelette on the membrane of the hole (WITHOUT opening the 'bator and not allowing drippage so no drowning I hope). Anyhow, this morning there was still not movement (there hadn't been the night before either when I misted). This morning I candled it and didn't see any movement and in my haste and nerves that I'd hurt/kill it I didn't pay attention to blood vessel appearance. I hope it was nothing I did But for my first hatch, I'm proud to have 5 gorgeous ducklings! It is going to break my heart having to send them back to their "home" in two weeks.

1 duckling has hatched
2 more are rocking! But I don't think any call duck eggs are living
Oh no! Come on' duckies! You can do it!!!!
Yeah, I'm pretty sure that the call duck eggs aren't alive, but the good thing is that the other 2 mixed breed eggs are shaking and alive! I may buy some call ducklings instead of hatching next time ;)
Yay for the mixed breed!

I will upload some pictures soon! I have some random questions:

- One of my Pekin (she's so big compared to the others), looks like she/he always has poop coming out- is that normal?

- How about the ducklings pecking at each other?

- I've seen a couple of larger ducklings knock the smaller onto their backs (not on purpose) - I've seen them struggle and I help them. Is that okay? Can they do it on their own?
1. Do you mean that he/she is always pooping a constant flow or that he/she has something poop-like hanging off him/her?

2. Are they pecking hard and fighting? I don't think the ducklings can do any damage to each other since they don't have sharp beaks unless their eggtooth is still on them.

3. The ducklings that are falling over may be weaker than the others. When you start to give them water I would add sugar or electrolytes to it. If a duckling doesn't drink then you may have to give them their water with a dropper.
1. Do you mean that he/she is always pooping a constant flow or that he/she has something poop-like hanging off him/her?

2. Are they pecking hard and fighting? I don't think the ducklings can do any damage to each other since they don't have sharp beaks unless their eggtooth is still on them.

3. The ducklings that are falling over may be weaker than the others. When you start to give them water I would add sugar or electrolytes to it. If a duckling doesn't drink then you may have to give them their water with a dropper.
Lots of info. on this one. So first, in regards to her poop- it's grey and soggy and it looks like it's hanging from her butt but I tried to wipe it a little while ago and while I cleaned a little off, it was all stuck on her feathers around her butt. Is that bad?

2. It doesn't appear to be pecking hard and there aren't any alarming cheeps that make me think it hurts. How long does it take for the egg tooth to come off? I think the two little guys that hatch this morning might still have them but they aren't pecking at the others.

3. There is water in their brooder and they follow each other so they all seem to be eating and drinking. Albeit, all over each other but eating and drinking nonetheless.
Could you post a picture of the poopy bum? The other issues seem fine and normal.
Ugh, I'm getting nervous... =(

She eats and drinks regularly (with the crowd). Oh, I hope nothing is wrong. Btw, I hold her very gently - I feel like the picture makes it look like I'm choking the poor thing. But I promise I'm not.
I did some research and check the other duckies. None had the same issue- I assume pasty butt. This is my first hatch and I have to say, I started crying because my nerves. I wiped her as clean as I could... here's a picture... I don't see poop but I her feathers/fur is a little clumped together I hope only because it's wet. She wasn't very happy with me getting a last little clump of poop out. Please help someone.

She seemed uncomfortable and anxious towards the end. I let her rest a minute or two when she really started nipping and cheeping. This was the very first egg to hatch and I'll be absolutely devastated if I don't help her and she dies.
So I saw her poop twice. Not big poops (at least not in my eyes) BUT when she pooped, it didn't look like the poop was stuck half way out of her behind. I think that's progress right?

I had cleaned her and put a lil olive oil in the area where the poop had been but not on any skin. Is that ok?

I cried for an hour, afraid my sweet baby might die.She seems to be a little mad or scared of me. I talked to her sweetly the whole time but I hope she won't hate me forever.

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