Hatch-Along - Setting egg's Feb 18th, anyone else?

Well, lockdown today. I can't get my humidity high. Go figure.
It got up nice and high into the mid 60s when I test ran it for two weeks. But now, with the eggs in, of course they'll be problems. Gah!!

I have a friend of mine who rarely worries about the humidity on her final leg of the incubation as long as it's around 50ish% and has been fine. However, if you need to, try doing like they do with reptile eggs and spray the walls of the incubator with a fine mist.
I've put in a couple of clean wash cloths soaked in water. I've got it up to 38%. I think I'm going to just have to keep a close eye on things and keep a spray bottle handy. If I can keep the first chicks from shrink wrapping, I think they'll get the humidity up to where I need it to bee when they hatch.
I just don't know what's going on with my chicks. I did see one egg move, the other day. That made me squeal like a little girl. But...I'm not holding out hope for a great hatch

Good luck with yours!!
I'VE GOT A PIP!!! I'VE GOT A PIP!!!! Crap...it's off camera...(I'm recording for my daughter's school) It's kind of funny, it's one of the ones I marked with a question mark because I wasn't sure I had a chick in there.
How cool on the pip from the didn't think it had a chick egg! Hope I have some of those... Im in lockdown,at last check no pipe yet, yesterday I saw a beak pushing into the aircell, fingers crossed.

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