Hatch-Along - Setting egg's Feb 18th, anyone else?

I've got two birdies out! I musta done something right!
Awesome news.

Still no pips here; but, we knew our thermostat had died on us at the beginning, so they got a late start. The incubator wasn't getting over 95, even though the thermostat was saying it was in the hundreds. **shakes head** So, we are having to just sit and wait and see how many hatch out. We're expecting a pretty low % hatch, this go round

Three! And one more on the way! (the one that's hatching now, I was certain there was a blood ring. But I didn't want to make a mistake and toss a live egg, so let it set anyway. This is why I don't trust my candling skills)
Three! And one more on the way! (the one that's hatching now, I was certain there was a blood ring. But I didn't want to make a mistake and toss a live egg, so let it set anyway. This is why I don't trust my candling skills)

I don't trust mine, either...So, my husband took one of the eggs out of the incubator and busted it open......to expose a perfectly formed, perfectly developing chick that would have most likely started pipping in a couple of days.
I've get four out so far and at least 6 othe pips that I can see! I'll get the computer turned on and pics up loaded later... I hope.
6 out so far, one more pip in the 'bator. I've got my first cull chick though. She walks on her hocks. No deformity I can see. We'll give it a couple of days, then I'll try a thing or two, but if she doesn't stand up properly, she has to go
I'm going for a self-sustaining flock. No room for weakness I'm afraid.

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