Hatch-Along - Setting eggs on 2/8/13 Anyone want to join me?

10 of the 11 eggs from lock down have hatched, I'm assuming the one dark green egg was not fertile. I'm going to open it up tomorrow. Lord I hope it doesn't explode; maybe I should just open it when I move the chicks to the brooder?

I got 2 Turken/EE cross and 8 Easter Eggers, Diablo is a stud ha ha
Wonderfull results!

I just moved mine from the greenhouse where they spent most of the winter to their breeder pen, hope the fertility holds constant or improves since they have more room now and 2 pullets are looking more mature-comb color.
I opened my eggs this morning. I did the float test last night and there was no motion so I decided to see what was in one this morning. Nothing. So I proceeded with the rest. My best guess is several things must have happened during incubation because of the varied stages of development but darned if I know what that was. So, here's the run down and maybe someone can help me. Out of 24 eggs 2 which I discarded during float test because they were upside down, I figure the air sacs had a problem or something. The kids opened them in a plastic bag and there was no development. 6 had large yolks with beginning development. Fully developed legs and everything but the bird definitely had a ways to go still had heavy veining in the egg. 5 looked ready to hatch with a tiny yolk and no noticable veining. They really looked like they could have just fluffed up and been ready to go. It just breaks my heart. The rest were just yolks. Nothing smelled. The lady I got them from had tested fertility and guaranteed her eggs and said she would replace anything that didnt hatch so I don't really feel this was a fertility issue. I think it was an incubation issue I just wish I knew what happened. I feel the meter I used for reading was accurate because I spent extra and got a thermometer used for humidors not just a garden therm/hygr. I think what might be the problem is that since we heat with wood the temp swings in the house vary too much but I'm not sure. I keep the incubator in the living room and I fear that when I wasn't home the kids may have gotten the fire too high and the temp may have spiked. That's the only thing I can figure. I might try again and put the incubator in my bedroom. The room is cold but at least it is consistently cold. Better luck next time I guess.
Sounds like quite a few eggs with just yolks. With no development in them I wonder about the fertility.
The person I got them from said she checked fertility and even offered some chicks because she had enough and was just checking fertility. Since I had several stages of development I just assumed that several things had happened at various times during incubation. I have several children and my two teenage daughters are notorious for overloading the wood stove. It made me suspect they overloaded the stove which could have spiked the temps in the living room which I had never given much thought to because I thought we had taken care of that problem.
(I recently went back to work and haven't been home as much so I'm thinking this and the amount of wood we used this month is now proof they are having sauna parties in my living room)
I am furious right now and not getting straight answers anywhere. Just have a bunch of missing wood and 24 dead chicks. Not sure whether fertility or temps were the issue. I'm honestly leaning toward temp issues. The eggs were two separate breeds and which would mean the fertility issues would have had to be across two flocks which really doesn't seem very plausible to me. I'm going to try again with the incubator in my room which is cold but at least consistently cold.
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got one with the yolk sack stuck to its rear.. Hmmmm, to remove it or just put a damp paper towel under it and hope it absorbs.

Doesn't look very healthy to start with but want to help it if possible..

I've removed all the chicks to keep them from pecking at it.. Gonna turn the lights down low so she'll settle down and quit dragging it around, afraid she'll pull her insides out.

Any suggestions?
got one with the yolk sack stuck to its rear.. Hmmmm, to remove it or just put a damp paper towel under it and hope it absorbs.

Doesn't look very healthy to start with but want to help it if possible.. 

I've removed all the chicks to keep them from pecking at it..  Gonna turn the lights down low so she'll settle down and quit dragging it around, afraid she'll pull her insides out. 

Any suggestions?
I've let that issue handle itself...One had that today...I let her drag it around, and eventually it came off on its own.
My last one to hatch had not completely absorbed yolk sac, I let her be and it dried and broke free on it's own. I wasn't sure she was going to make it but she is fine now. Another chicks umbilical was dried out and dragging behind the chick, I just snipped it off with nail clippers-no problems.
Thanks for the replies guys... I let nature take its course with her; however,the poor little thing didn't make it...

On a good note, so far that's the only loss.. several more getting ready to hatch.. keeping my fingers crossed.

Stinks when you lose them but that's part of life on the farm..

I'll update in the morning and attempt to download some pics of the new fluffy butts.
I separated my 2 batches and today moved the older ones to the younger one's side for a few minutes....other than crowding out issues, the older birds aren't bothering or hurting the day olds... I left one older bird with the youngers to give them eating and drinking lessons. I also put up a blind for a while between the groups or the youngers just look at the olders with envy and aren't exploring... lol

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