Hatch-Along - setting eggs tonight or tom who's with me on this

What should I do??
Oh no Vikki, it looks like spraddle leg.
Check out Cyndi's links. Ive seen pics on here where they tape the legs parallel to each other with a gap between them.

Keep us updated...

Regarding the last 6 of my eggs....
I candled and tapped, then float tested again. Didn't see any motion or hear anything. I then made a tiny external pip.
All were deceased...

on eggtopsy, 5/6 look like they had a chance to hatch. Only one of these 5 barely had an internal pip. The last one, 1/6, died earlier on, maybe a week earlier.

I'm thinking I lost the majority of them when I took them out of the turner and laid them down for lockdown. Their air cells were really bad.

Wow, what a learning experience this has been.
Thank you Cindy! And everyone else! I just did the band aid, hopefully my little tweet tweet will get better. The guy at Travtor Supply told me to just kill him, I started bawling in the middle of the store!!
Anyways, I hope this works!!!!
Thanks again!
We are crossing our fingers or you Vik!

before I forget to mention it, it was such a pleasure hatching my first eggs with you guys. I truly appreciate all of your advice and "holding my hand" through it all.

The Tractor Supply has some other breeds, I looked yesterday, but my husband made me leave when I started bawling after the guy told me to just kill him. :-(
I have a stuffed animal rabbit in with him, he cuddles up to eat. I pick him up, and he will just snuggle up to me like I am mommy an goes to sleep. :) one reason why I know I can't just kill him. I really Need the band aid thing to work!
Thank you guys for everything!!! I will keep you posted for sure! My husband laughed at me when I said me an my little tweet tweet was doing physical therapy first thing this morning!!! Hahahaha

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