Hatch-Along - setting eggs tonight or tom who's with me on this

My last three eggs were exactly as you described...heavy to one side, chicke only filled 65% of egg and no movement... I finally broke down and crack them all open and they were not moving so my hatch is over for the next few days till my staggered bunch (5 amereaucauna or however you spell that) hatch or not. They were freebies from someone who couldn't fit anymore in their incubator. Wondering how they handled going thru a lockdown before their lockdown. Looks as if some are still moving so we will see.

Sorry about your baby looks like we are all learning together..someone else gave me a link to that info I will see if I can find it and repost it.
Hi Christy,

How did your staggered hatch make out?
Hey Vik, how's the little guy maKing out?

He seem's to be doing okay. I don't think he likes the bandaid, it makes him fall down. And he tries to be so depended upon me. He can get up on his own, but if I am there he acts like he can't! HAHA.
However, I have taken the band aid off a couple times (mainly to put a new one on) and his legs doesn't go as far out as it was before, but there is still a difference between the two legs. Hopefully over the next couple of days it will straighten him out!
Thanks for asking!!!
When I have had a wobbly chick the others will instinctively huddle around to brace each other nuzzling under the wobbly ones wings like crutches. It is he most endearing thing to watch
That is so cute! I am having a hard time finding anyone close to me with some chicks aroun his age. :-/
I don't want him to be so lonely!!
When I have had a wobbly chick the others will instinctively huddle around to brace each other nuzzling under the wobbly ones wings like crutches. It is he most endearing thing to watch

I'd like to think I'm a pretty "tough" guy but I know that if I saw that I would have a tear in my eye and a smile on my face.
That is so cute! I am having a hard time finding anyone close to me with some chicks aroun his age. :-/
I don't want him to be so lonely!!

I'm glad that the little one is doing better. What a great momma you are! Keep up the good work.

I hate to suggest it considering what the guy said to you but TSC has chicks...maybe the same guy would be off on the day you go back? I know that my local Agway said they are getting chicks in pretty soon, something to consider if they have a branch near you.
The poor little chick passed at 6 days old. I thought he was getting better, but the day before he refused to eat or drink...then the next day he was gone!!

Not sure if I am going to try another hatch for a little while.

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