Hatching chicks in summer


In the Brooder
Jun 18, 2018
Medina, Ohio
Hello all!
We have been planning on hatching eggs in early Spring 2019 but are so excited that we are considering hatching now. We live in northeast Ohio and the eggs would hatch late July which means they would be about 16 weeks old when cold/snow would hit. What are everyone's thoughts about their readiness at this age? Obviously we are only considering breeds that are cold weather tolerant but is this too late in the season to be hatching?
Thank you!
Not too late at all. I have hatched yearround, but if weather readiness is a concern, I would just make sure they are at least 5-6 weeks before cold weather comes. You have plenty of time.
I've had hens hatch eggs in late August and they have done just fine.

A word of caution though. I recently had 4 broodies on eggs. A week in the temps spiked here and were unusually hot for late May early June running in the mid 90s for about a week and a half if not longer.

I wound up with a lot of dead chicks in the shell and out of 18 eggs only have 5 surviving chicks. One dead chick had severe beak deformities and was missing an eye. When I did research on the probable cause what I found was that sort of birth defect happens when the incutabing temp goes high.

I've got a broody hen now and I won't let her set. I will break her. It's not worth the effort in hot weather and hard on the hens.
Agree with the others. I incubate year round and have broodies all year too.
Good luck with your hatch! :jumpy

And :welcome
(My hubby was born up around Medina) :)

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