Hay or Pine shavings???


Oct 19, 2020
Hello!! i’m brand new here and i have black silkies (2 months). they’re ready to move out to the coop but before i do, what should i put on the ground - leave as is with grass, hay, or shavings? should i also put anything in the actual nesting area? thank you all for your help !!
I only use pine shavings in the run during the winter. Sometimes I will mix in some hay and leaves. I use it as it always seems warmer in the run in winter. I think it is due to some composting going on. Three sides of my run are covered in clear vinyl for the winter so there is probably some greenhouse effect happening also.

I use fake grass squares in the nesting boxes. Seems to work better for me than pine shavings. They tend to scratch the pine shavings out.
Pictures of your coop and run will help here, and your approximate location.
Many of us use bagged pine shavings in the coop, and some mix of shavings, wood chips, and plant materials in the run. Hay or straw by itself can be a mess, but included in a mix, will work out.

Hi! I am in northeast florida, our winters aren’t too severe. i’ve attached a picture of the coop.


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I'd leave the grass until the chickens destroy it (it won't take long), then start building up a mix of various kinds of dry, organic material -- wood chips, wood shavings, straw, pine straw, fall leaves, or whatever else comes to hand.

I personally wouldn't use hay simply because, being animal feed rather than animal bedding, it tends to cost more. But I do use well-dried lawn clippings.

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