Hello from Miami


11 Years
Dec 15, 2008
Jacksonville, FL
Hello Everyone,

Just wanted to register and say hello, I am amazed at the amount of information here and I am really glad that there is a site like this.

I'm planning on keeping just a couple hens in the backyard for eggs and fertilizer. I've checked the local laws and it looks like i'm going to have to build a stealth chicken tractor so I don't cause too much trouble.

Anyone else from the Miami area?


Thanks everyone, I grew up in Arkansas on a small farm so it's quite frustrating here they have so many rules and regulations. Can't even keep chicks as pets.

I can't wait till I can move back up north somewhere with some more space!

Just don't tell us how warm you are, and we'll all get along just FINE..

For a stealth chicken coop you could build a nice little shed, use 1/2 for storage and 1/2 for chickens. Use the back half for chickens, so when you open the door to show any inspectors all the see is a shed with storage.
Yeah, ain't that the truth! I grew up part-time in Miami and now I'm freezing my tush off in Arkansas. What's wrong with this picture?

Yeah I had thought about that, I was thinking of the stealth trash can looking garden tractor. I'm not really worried about the city finding out as much as i'm worried about the neighbors ratting me out. Too bad they don't make silent chickens
If they were just quiet no one would ever be the wiser since I have a privacy fence.

It's funny because all I want to do is move to a place where I can see four seasons again. I've lived here 13 years and it sucks seeing the same thing summer, fall, winter and spring. About the only thing that changes here is the influx of spring birds.

Thanks everyone for the kind comments

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