
Jan 29, 2018
Hi my name is Macie aka Meow-Bawk. I dont have and chickens right now but i plan on trying to convince my parents (i have 2 cats). My neighbor Frank has 2 chickens already and i go over there every other day to feed water and talk to them (dont judge me every one gets lonely). I discovered this website when i was looking for tips on how to convince my parents to get chickens and i found this page i thought, "Oh this looks really cool i'll sign up for FREE." What free awesome chicken advise i was happy (super weird i know). I like playing video games, brushing my cats, painting/drawing, and watching the rain. I also have one 14 year old brother (UGH) (i love him).
Thats it if you have any tips for me please tell me i'd love to learn more.


Hi my name is Macie aka Meow-Bawk. I dont have and chickens right now but i plan on trying to convince my parents (i have 2 cats). My neighbor Frank has 2 chickens already and i go over there every other day to feed water and talk to them (dont judge me every one gets lonely). I discovered this website when i was looking for tips on how to convince my parents to get chickens and i found this page i thought, "Oh this looks really cool i'll sign up for FREE." What free awesome chicken advise i was happy (super weird i know). I like playing video games, brushing my cats, painting/drawing, and watching the rain. I also have one 14 year old brother (UGH) (i love him).
Thats it if you have any tips for me please tell me i'd love to learn more.

Welcome to Backyard Chickens Macie
G’Day from down under Macie :frow Welcome!

Speaking as a parent; I think the main reason we say "No" to "can I have a [insert pet type]" is that we are concerned that interest may be lost and we will end up having something else to care for. If you can show that you are keen [which you are doing by taking the time to research], willing to take care of them [which it sounds like you are also doing taking care of your cats] and able to manage your studies and pet care comfortably and without one being neglected, I would definitely be open to considering the request.

Good luck! I hope your parents allow you to get chickens and you know what, they will most likely grow to love them also; they are so enjoyable to have around. May be you could make your parents breakfast with some freshly laid eggs ;)

I also hope you enjoy being a BYC member. There are lots of friendly and very helpful folks here so not only is it overflowing with useful information it is also a great place to make friends and have some fun.
Hello, Macie and welcome to our community. Good luck with trying to get the cooperation of your parents with having your own chickens.

Here’s a link to the Articles section - There you’ll find lots of information on almost every aspect of keeping chickens - from coop building ideas, to incubating eggs.

There’s a link on the page above to the Learning Centre - it’s a great resource. If you have a specific topic in mind, just type it in the search box - there's a wealth of information on past and present threads.

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