
May 6, 2022
Atlanta, GA
Hello. I have a year old Easter Egger hen who I noticed yesterday has these raised white spots on her comb. They almost look like calcium deposits that are stuck to the comb. When I researched this, most results that pop up are about it being early signs of fowl pox. I have not noticed any changes in her, she seems to be active and eating and drinking, as well as still laying eggs. None of my other hens have these white spots on their comb. But I am concerned as I have two-month old chicks in an enclosed area within the run and I don’t want anything spreading to them or the rest of the flock. I’m not sure what it could be. I would appreciate any help, and any advice on if I should start any medicine or isolation for the health of the flock.


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Will they come off? If they will, I'd pick them off, then apply a light coating of anti-fungal cream once a day for at least a week. See if the spots return.
I tried picking one off but I was worried about making it worse so I left her alone for the time being. I did have someone suggest it might be Favus so I am going to try some anti-fungal cream to see if that resolves the issue. Thank you for your response!
I tried picking one off but I was worried about making it worse so I left her alone for the time being. I did have someone suggest it might be Favus so I am going to try some anti-fungal cream to see if that resolves the issue. Thank you for your response!
It could be fungal. Hard to know.
Often birds with some nooks and crannies in the comb get some type of "yitch" embedded like that. I have yet had anyone be able to i.d. the stuff, but it's been described as anything from pus to something similar to what you would get from a zit.
Most folks just press out the material and apply a cream. It may be something you have to do periodically.
Did you ever determine what the cause of the white spots? Did they eventually go away?

I have a hen that has had what look like small (large pin head size) areas that look like calcium deposits. They do not rub off, at least not easily. She has had these for some time. I do not remember when I first noticed them. She appears to be healthy, her comb is a dark pink and I do not know if she is laying eggs or not.

They do not seem to bother her and I have not noticed that these on any of the other hens.

I am concerned my rooster may be developing them, but that is another story.

I do not have photos, but will take some if you think it might help.
Did you ever determine what the cause of the white spots? Did they eventually go away?

I have a hen that has had what look like small (large pin head size) areas that look like calcium deposits. They do not rub off, at least not easily. She has had these for some time. I do not remember when I first noticed them. She appears to be healthy, her comb is a dark pink and I do not know if she is laying eggs or not.

They do not seem to bother her and I have not noticed that these on any of the other hens.

I am concerned my rooster may be developing them, but that is another story.

I do not have photos, but will take some if you think it might help.
Photos would be helpful. Favus or fungus is common. Miconazole or clotrimazole cream applied daily might help. You are welcome to start a new thread about your chickens.

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