Help- I'm an addict!


9 Years
Jul 23, 2014
Quincy, IL
So I am relatively new at raising chickens. We started last year with two Buff Orpingtons, a black australorp, a silver laced wyandotte, a cherry egger, and two easter eggers. When we moved to the country we added a barred rock roo. (8 total)

Well this spring chicken math has hit and BAD! We ordered 15 mixed pullets and 6 cochin from Cackle. Out of the 6 cochin (pretty sure FIVE of them are roosters) we received 3 black and 3 partridge. The pullets were 6 new Hampshire reds, 6 Black sex link, and 5 white rock pullets. (23 added)

Then we (I) happened to stop by the local feed store a few times and accumulated 2 more Easter Eggers, 2 Cuckoo Marans, a golden laced Wyandotte, 2 buff brahma, a salmon faverelle, two silkies, and 8 bantams. (18 more added)
Total of 49 chickens!!!!!! OMG
What Happened??????

No,,, Really,,, what happened? Is this going to get worse????? Is there a cure????? If not I am in BIG trouble....or maybe I need to buy more acreage!

Seriously- does anyone else have such a crazy mixed up flock? I would love to hear some stories!!!
I'm thinking we would be best described as enablers, not recovery helpers

Mine has gotten progressively worse. We have 39 now
You may get "cured" when those babies start eating you out of house and home. Not to mention the amount of space they're going to need as they grow. I hope you have a big shed or plenty of coops! There's my little dose of reality. Not that I can say much. I have 30 two-week old chicks in the brooder, and 6 three-year old hens. If one of those hens should happen to go broody, I will gladly put some fertile eggs or babies from the farm supply store under her.
Its addicting, I started out two and a half years ago with 6. Now I have thirty-two. Good thing about it is as long as my wife keeps getting goats she can't say anything about me getting chickens!! Good luck with your addiction!
You may get "cured" when those babies start eating you out of house and home. Not to mention the amount of space they're going to need as they grow. I hope you have a big shed or plenty of coops! There's my little dose of reality. Not that I can say much. I have 30 two-week old chicks in the brooder, and 6 three-year old hens. If one of those hens should happen to go broody, I will gladly put some fertile eggs or babies from the farm supply store under her.
...and the amount of poop you'll have deal with hahaha!
I over wintered 15 birds. And then I set up my incubators. Between what I've hatched, and the order I received from Cackle, I think I'm up to 65 now :oops: Not all of them will stay though. I agree, once space starts getting tight, the poop starts to accumulate and feeders and drinkers always need to be filled, you'll be more than ready to let some go!
I wasn't going to get chicks this year and then I happened into the farm supply store on Sunday. I KNEW BETTER but I did it anyway. I came home with 7.

I have 22 adult hens and now these 7 chicks, oh and I forgot to mention that my neighbor has 8 eggs in a incubator for me, he wanted to know a week ago if I would like for him to hatch me some chicks. He hatched what he wanted/needed but likes hatching chicks soooooo.

He has 9 Easter Eggers hens and a leghorn rooster so I thought those crosses could be interesting so I said sure I'll take what hatches.

Usually I lose two or three a year from old age or unknown causes, knock on wood haven't lost a bird to predator in years. But the last couple of years I've not lost a one.

It is so addicting. I can't remember the last spring I went through in which I didn't have chicks and obviously this spring isn't going to be any different.

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