Help! My hen is being bullied!


8 Years
Aug 31, 2015
Near Seattle, WA
I have an old hen who goes by the name of Rat Bird. Here she is:

I was left her and my other chickens by the old owners of my house. I moved in a week ago. She is mostly blind, and is the only one who will let me pick her up. She is very old. I have noticed the other hens (I have no roosters) have been picking on her. She doesn't leave the coop because she is afraid, so I have to pick her up and put her outside. I'm very worried. My chickens seem to peck her in gangs. What should I do to stop them from hurting her? The pecking seems to be getting more violent each day. Thankfully she has not bled yet. Thank you!
I have had the same problem with my roosters picking on each other an some of the smaller hens. I had one even attacking me. As crazy as it sounds, I was told to show my I put a red bandana on my head and chased them around the coop and yard for several days, and also hung out there for periods of time so that I could show them that I was the boss when they started picking on the smaller ones. Believe it or not, it worked. I even flapped my arms and "squaked" like a chicken.
Poor girl! I'm sorry I don't have a suggestion for you (still new to chickens), but I saw her pic on What Is this Chicken Thinking and thought she was so sweet. I hope you will get some advice that fixes the problem with your other hens.
It's a chickens nature to pick on the weak. Your best solution for her would be to isolate her and give her her own area. You can just add a run within the run. She needs to be able to eat in peace. If you want to get her a buddy, try a silkie.
It's a chickens nature to pick on the weak. Your best solution for her would be to isolate her and give her her own area. You can just add a run within the run. She needs to be able to eat in peace. If you want to get her a buddy, try a silkie.
Thanks for the advice! I just set up a coop for a broody hen in the run. Maybe that will work. Give her her own space, the re-integrate her into the flock. I might hatch some TJ eggs, so those might work for a buddy.
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Poor girl! I'm sorry I don't have a suggestion for you (still new to chickens), but I saw her pic on What Is this Chicken Thinking and thought she was so sweet. I hope you will get some advice that fixes the problem with your other hens.
That's perfectly fine! I'm kind of new also. I'm glad you think she is sweet.
I have had the same problem with my roosters picking on each other an some of the smaller hens. I had one even attacking me. As crazy as it sounds, I was told to show my I put a red bandana on my head and chased them around the coop and yard for several days, and also hung out there for periods of time so that I could show them that I was the boss when they started picking on the smaller ones. Believe it or not, it worked. I even flapped my arms and "squaked" like a chicken.
I have started doing that since yesterday! Thanks for telling me it may work, and that I'm not just terrifying my hens with a broom stick.

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