Aug 9, 2019
Ontario, Canada
Hi all, I had a chick hatch out earlier today. It got moved to the brooder before really being able to check them out as I was at work for a while yet. It turns out that it doesn’t seem able to straighten its leg .. I can’t even straighten its one leg. It’s locked up at the elbow it seems..



I’m unsure on what to do if there’s anything I can do for it? I don’t want it to be in any pain at all from the leg..
Is it the leg on the left in the photo? I would YouTube slipped tendon. I’m no expert but the top photo looks like it could be. I’m actually having the same issue with a Silkie chick and because the skin is black I can’t tell if the tendon is slipped or not.
It’s the chick’s right leg, left side leg when looking at the chick face on in those photos. When the chick flaps around and tries to move it’s toes/foot end up over it’s wing half the time..
So this chick does have a slipped tendon in that really bad leg.. I am unable to slip this right leg’s tendon back into place and I’m thinking it’s due to all the hobbling around the chick has done in the past few days since hatching out.

The left leg was also slipped but I managed to put that one back into place extremely quickly, thankfully without any noticeable issues.
I had wrapped the chicks legs last night after maneuvering the tendon into the right spot on the left leg and attempted to extend the right leg as much as possible

I’m terrified that it’s not just a slipped tendon with how the leg turns outwards more than the right leg had up near the femur/thigh and how the toes curl significantly more than they did on the other foot? This is what the legs look like now compared to the first photo of them..

Should that be enough time for the left leg to be in the right spot or should I be worried it’s not properly set yet and rewrap it?

I also am not able to get the chick to stay in a sling .. it didn’t seem to be necessary with the first leg bc I have it set up in the legs of a teddy bear so it’s not sitting on its legs or laying with its legs just backwards on its belly/neck.


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Great job wrapping and taking care of the slipped tendon chick! I had one hatch out with slipped tendon a couple months ago and it is a hard thing to deal with. That's so exciting it can walk on its own!
It’s still not walking like a normal chick but it is able to more or less get around semi alright .. I was able to get the tendon almost exactly in the right spot so hopefully this last wrap I did will help keep it there and it might be able to go into the right spot later tonight or tomorrow but my mother will have to try to do it by herself if she’s able to. But only if the wrap slips down again off the hock. And to potentially change it tomorrow if needed as the chick is eating, drinking, and pooping like normal :yesss: ❤️

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