Help, please! What is plaguing my chickens?


In the Brooder
Jul 21, 2023
Hello! Please help with my chicken problem.
My white Australorp, 9 mos old, has not started laying and has a crusty vent. It does not look like gleet to me. I have only found two posts in this forum that seem to describe the same issue, and both leave the question unresolved.
The attached picture is from early May. Perhaps you will recognize the issue from that. I will put the whole LONG story below for context.

It started in late March, when one of my birds stopped laying. I thought it was worms, because I spotted a wormy poop. Then another girl got sour crop and died. I dewormed, but then another girl died. I took her for an autopsy and it was ovarian cancer, so I thought all was well, and I got two more girls--pullets. One was laying and the other not.
After quarantining, I integrated the birds. They were fine for a time, but then I noticed something weird on the white Australorp's vent--it was surrounded by a yellow crust and she had diarrhea. I thought maybe vent gleet, so I treated with miconozole and yogurt, etc. The diarrhea settled down and the crust, too, but did not go away. I called the vet who suggested mites. So, I treated for mites. (spinosad). Then I treated for mites again. And again. I have been treating for mites for months now, using spinosad, permethrin, that oil spray, ivermectin. But the Australorp still has some of that crust on her vent. It's not as bad as the picture anymore, but we clean it a couple times a week. She has not started laying yet. And all three of my birds have lost their belly feathers. Last night, part of my leghorn's comb looked bluish. When I check for mites, I have never seen one crawling around...sometimes it looks like there is debris in their feathers. But it doesn't look anything like the internet pictures. So now I am I missing something? Could this be something else? They are happy otherwise. No signs of lethargy (except the initial bird who stopped laying--she is about 2 1/2).


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Are there maggots in there? I can't tell when I zoom in on the picture all that great. If you have treated that many times for mites I'd stop, if they had mites, they would definitely be dead after all that. Do you have a pic of after you've cleaned her?
Have you tried soaking that crust in Epsom salts to soften it? Is there an unpleasant odor?

Is she laying?

The crust looks like it could be vent gleet which is difficult to eradicate. I would try daily soaks in Epsom salts and Betadine (an anti-fungal).

In addition, prepare a copper sulfate solution and mix it into the water for the flock to drink over the next couple weeks. You can buy it here.]=last&q=acidifired+copper+sulfate

This is also good for treating vent gleet.[unavailable_products]=last&q=Medistatin You can lace her food with this, in addition to the copper water solution. It can take weeks to clear up vent gleet, so don't get discouraged.
It looks like a chronic constipation problem in the picture. She may have been pecked around her vent or had too large of eggs or a prolapse that has caused damage. I would,soak her vent in warm Epsom salts or soapy dishwater for about 20 minutes a day. Put on a disposable glove and insert a finger into her vent to try and remove the built up urates and dried poop. Sometimes there can be small growths or papillomas inside the vent. Then lubricate the vent opening inside and out with some vaseline, Neosporin, or mineral oil. Get some coconut oil and get it cold in the fridge. Take a tsp twice a day and cut it into small pieces that she can peck and eat. Most love them, and they can help loosen her poops. Check her crop early morning before she eats, to make sure that her crop is empty, and then make sure she is eating and drinking normally.
Hello! Please help with my chicken problem.
My white Australorp, 9 mos old, has not started laying and has a crusty vent. It does not look like gleet to me. I have only found two posts in this forum that seem to describe the same issue, and both leave the question unresolved.
The attached picture is from early May. Perhaps you will recognize the issue from that. I will put the whole LONG story below for context.

It started in late March, when one of my birds stopped laying. I thought it was worms, because I spotted a wormy poop. Then another girl got sour crop and died. I dewormed, but then another girl died. I took her for an autopsy and it was ovarian cancer, so I thought all was well, and I got two more girls--pullets. One was laying and the other not.
After quarantining, I integrated the birds. They were fine for a time, but then I noticed something weird on the white Australorp's vent--it was surrounded by a yellow crust and she had diarrhea. I thought maybe vent gleet, so I treated with miconozole and yogurt, etc. The diarrhea settled down and the crust, too, but did not go away. I called the vet who suggested mites. So, I treated for mites. (spinosad). Then I treated for mites again. And again. I have been treating for mites for months now, using spinosad, permethrin, that oil spray, ivermectin. But the Australorp still has some of that crust on her vent. It's not as bad as the picture anymore, but we clean it a couple times a week. She has not started laying yet. And all three of my birds have lost their belly feathers. Last night, part of my leghorn's comb looked bluish. When I check for mites, I have never seen one crawling around...sometimes it looks like there is debris in their feathers. But it doesn't look anything like the internet pictures. So now I am I missing something? Could this be something else? They are happy otherwise. No signs of lethargy (except the initial bird who stopped laying--she is about 2 1/2).
First thing that comes to my mind is some sort of fungus. Especially with the bare bellys you mentioned. Perhaps the Miconozole is just not strong enough. I would call your vet again. It looks terribly painful. Poor girls. Perhaps the vet can give you something to give them by mouth. Has the vet seen her, or a photo?
First thing that comes to my mind is some sort of fungus. Especially with the bare bellys you mentioned. Perhaps the Miconozole is just not strong enough. I would call your vet again. It looks terribly painful. Poor girls. Perhaps the vet can give you something to give them by mouth. Has the vet seen her, or a photo?
I am reading about the gleet, which is thrush, more then just a simple fungus. The picture you posted looks inflamed with would be consistent with the thrush. It suggests cleaning out your water bucket and adding some apple cider vinegar. It can't hurt and might help.

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